Dance Classroom Observation

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Research Question
How can dance therapy be utilized for children that struggle with self-expression and emotional instability?

By applying an ethnographic approach, the study will consist of mini interview, brief written narratives, video files, and participant observation .
Mini interviews and brief written narratives:
After the dance study is completed, each student will be asked to describe their current emotion begins.

Researcher: "How are you feeling today?"
Student: "I feel okay, I am worried about the test I took today. I hope I passed."

The purpose of this is to help the students identify what kind of moods/emotions they are feeling or felt for the day, and to see if they can identify what factor to the emotion …show more content…

Researchers will examine the body posture, facial expressions, and gestures of each student before and after they have participated in the session.

body looks before and after a dance session. Researchers would be able to examine the body language, gestures, and facial expressions of the child. The students will be asked to walk into the room e and engage themselves with other students. During this period, researchers will carefully observe the children, physically. The students will then be asked to stand in a straight line, side by side, as researchers observe their posture and body language.

The participants:
First, I will obtain a IRB (NYC DOE), at a middle school located in an urban or low-income neighborhood in …show more content…

In this study, gender and will age will not be of concern, however, I will be testing students in the 7th grade.

Students will be informed of the study and its purpose, and if we receive positive feedback, as a reward, each student will be rewarded 2 free movie ticket to a 3D movie of their choice.
Before the session begins, I will have the students take 3 intervals of deep breathing meditations to release their tension (as they count to 5 in their head). After some deep breathing, I will have the students do some fun warm up moves to prepare their bodies to dance. This will last for roughly 5-7 minutes.

Researchers will provide the students to choice between 3 songs, and the song choice will be at random pick (majority rules-the song with the most picks).
Each child will be given the opportunity to create a dance narrative about themselves or their feelings. This component of the study will be recorded as well.

At the end, the students will have be asked to explain what their "story" meant and why they chose to dance in that particular style, in 2-3 sentences.

This study will use narrative inquiry and

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