Damon Case Study Health And Social Care

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The aim of this study is to use a simulated case to explore safeguarding and protection, social work methods, evidence- based practice, social work authority and accountability, legislative and regulatory frameworks, ethical and moral issues, impact on service users, carers and other professionals and the role of independent advocacy services.
Within this study, I have chosen to explore Damon case. I aim to use the various areas I previously mentioned to explore interventions that can be used to support Damon and Stacey. The first area I will be exploring is social work methods, I aim to explore three interventions that follow different approaches.
Social Work Methods
Florence Hollis (1964) created a six category typology of techniques used in direct treatment. These are sustainment, direct influence, exploration, description and ventilation, person situation reflection, pattern dynamic reflection and developmental reflection. …show more content…

Out of this situation came social casework, a psychology approach, marrying these concerns and working on not only the inner world of the thoughts and feelings of the individual but also the external world issues and problems that arise out of the environment, social and material

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