Cyberbullying In Jane Smiley's Truth About Truman School

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The book Truth About Truman School was based on a website that some kids from that school created. They wanted this website to be based on school articles. A boy named Trevor started to take advantage of the website, he wanted to get revenge. A popular girl name Lilly was the targeted one. He made a fake account called ‘ milkandhoney ‘ , he used this website to post mean and rude stuff about Lilly. He wanted to make Lilly unpopular because of what she told him 2 years ago. He posted a picture of her when she used to be fat back then. Everyone at school saw it and started to bully Lilly which started making her feel unliked. He also made a website that said she was a lesbian. Everyone then started thinking she was a lesbian , her closest friends that were popular as well started pushing her away because they didn't want to be disrespected like people were disrespecting Lilly. Her friends that were suppose to be there for her instead of pushing her away decided to make a ‘We hate Lilly page’. …show more content…

The most important passage was how Lilly felt because it helped people understand how she felt about the post and comments that were made about her. The most important feeling is how the post and comments made Lilly feel. It was important because she was the one getting picked on and bullied but no one knew how she felt and what she wanted to do. No one knew it was hurting her and affecting her except for herself. I think middle schoolers should read this book because bullying and cyberbullying mostly happens at middle schools since they think they can do whatever they want without thinking. I also think maybe 5th and up should read this book because it will help them learn from it and know it won't be okay. I don't think 4th and down should read this book because they probably won’t understand it and won’t learn much of it since their still

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