Cyber Bullying Essay

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In the United States of America, practically everybody can agree on the importance of the youth and their education. The youth and children of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. Although education, undoubtedly, is beneficial to America’s youth, there are some experiences, such as bullying, that negatively affect and stick with these youth for the rest of their lives. Certain children find an outlet for their frustrations through bullying others. In the past, these actions could be better controlled because they were limited to face-to-face interactions. However, due to the recent booms in technology over recent years, cell phones, social media sites, group chats, and other forms of technology have allowed bullying to expand into the Internet. This new form of abuse is known as cyber- bullying. According to the Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary, cyber-bullying is, “the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.” This can be done through cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyber-bullying may seem like nothing since there's no physical contact, but in reality it can hurt even more than the actual thing. The victims of cyber-bullying are real people with real feelings; and the bullying has led some to depression, and further more driven them to suicide. Cyber-bullying is a serious issue that negatively affects the youth today. Bullying is not a new thing and has been in existence for a good period of time, but recently it has increased to include social media and smart phones. The word “bully” can be traced back as far as the 1530s. In its most basic sense bullying involves two parties of people, a bully and a victim. The bully often maltreats the... ... middle of paper ... ...le adult whether it be a family member, teacher or school counselor. In conclusion, bullying has been a part of the American society since the country was first founded. Bullying has remained a relevant issue through the years and cyberbullying, has allowed the problem to expand, become more elusive, and even harder to define. It is very common amongst youth and adolescents to seek the support and acceptance of their peers. However, cyber-bullying can often hinder that goal through rejection and exclusion. Cyber-bullying may seem like nothing since there's no physical contact, but in reality it can hurt even more than the actual thing. The victims of cyber-bullying are real people with real feelings; and the bullying has led some to depression, and further more driven them to suicide. Cyber-bullying is a serious issue that negatively affects the youth today.

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