Current research on CTS considers the employees from either a case study perspective or a phenomenological perspective. Research has shown that case studies surrounding CTS centered on one of two aspects of the disease. First, a case study may concentrate on what CTS is and what the employees did in order to contract CTS (Atroshi, Lyren, & Gummeson, 2009; Giersiepen, & Spakkek, 2011; Hammond, & Harriss, 2012). The second approach involves measuring how fast the employees returned to work and how effective they were at their jobs once they returned (Baldwin & Butler, 2006; Butler, 2002; Fevre, Robinson, Lewis, & Jones, 2013). Phenomenological studies emphasized the employees’ fear of the unknown and how they contended with their fear (Brotheridge …show more content…
Groenewald (2004) argued, “a person cannot reflect on lived experience while living through the experience” (p. 104). Gronewald (2004) stated that asking the participants to reflect upon their feelings as they were going through them changes the dynamic of the experience that the person is living through. In phenomenological studies, journals provide researchers with a written account of the participants’ feelings. Phenomenological studies adhere to a prescribed number of participants, which is between 10 and 15 (Patton, 2002, p. …show more content…
Research showed that CTS claims cost employers “over $4,000 per claim” (Faucett, Blanc, & Yelin, 2000, para. 4). Included in this cost is the hiring of temporary personnel to replace the injured worker while they are at home recuperating from their injury (Faucett et al., 2000). Research showed that employer bias against employees with CTS is due to its medically imposed restrictions (Faucett, Blanc, & Yelin, 2000; Vickers, 2009; Welch, Haile, Boden, & Hunting 2010), which are placed on the employee and to which the employer must adhere (Holmgren & Ivanoff, 2007). Holmgren and Ivanoff stated that the reason employers have this type of bias is because they feel trapped by the societal constraints of this disease, which state the employer has to allow the employee with CTS the right to work a reduced work schedule and find tasks that they can perform. In the employer’s mind, this does not make good financial sense while trying to keep their budgets
Lobbyist groups concerned with social reform and organized labor came together in the 80s and pressured members of congress to support legislation that required employers to grant leaves of absences for employees who had a serious illness, a newborn or newly adopted children or who were caretakers for other family members with serious illnesses. “These groups gained bipartisan support in both the senate and house and saw their bill introduced in e...
Throughout life people are always seeking something, whether it is finding out ideals, desires, lovers, and perhaps themselves. However, recognizing, fulfilling, and rising above one’s true self are the hardest things in the world because one always seems certain of him or herself and is strongly influenced by his or her surroundings. Hence, taking the time to practice experiences is a way for an individual to precisely know him or herself and actively participate in society. In the essay, “The Power of Context,” Malcolm Gladwell states that the features of one’s current social and physical environment will strongly influence his or her behaviors. Those actions that an individual conduct in response to the situation
Morreall, J. (1982) ‘Philosophy and Phenomenological Research’, International Phenomenological Society, Vol. 42, No.3, pp. 407-415
It is often very difficult to determine whether the primary cause of CTS is primarily due to work conditions or an underlying medical problem. CTS almost always occurs in adults and most adults work; CTS, then is very likely to be associated with the work place whether or not it is actually caused by work itself. Estimates of work-related CTS vary wildly. Some studies suggest that more than half are due to workplace factor...
Many employers have been baffled as they attempt to sort through the overlapping obligations created when a sick or injured worker's medical condition triggers the different rights and responsibilities under new federal laws. If businesses want to avoid costly lawsuits from disgruntled employees it is essential to understand their responsibilities under the laws. Employers must make a tw...
In reflection in action, expert professionals examine their experiences and responses as they occur and adapt t...
Jenny Moon(1999) suggests that reflection is a form of mental processing to achieve some anticipated outcomes, and is applied to relatively complicated or unstructured ideas for which there is no obvious solution. She also believes that emotions are part of the process of reflection and may influence the way it is carried. (
I chose this topic because I a found it as a very interesting thing which I wanted to know more about. I have been CT-scanned when I had concussion after a car accident when I was seven. Also because my father has been under a CT-scanner and a lot of my friends.
"Mathematics standards for instruction apply to all mathematics courses in all grades K-12. Standards set high expectations for all students to ensure that Tennessee graduates are prepared for the rigorous demands of mathematical understanding for college and career" (Mathematics. (n.d.). Therefore, knowing how to incorporate Math in a CTE lesson is also one of the most important duties of a CTE teacher, because Math is used in everyday life. By encouraging the students to learn Math through using it in the CTE lesson, the teacher is helping them see the importance of Math in real life situations, beyond high school. The standards and strategies I would employ when it comes to using Math during a CTE class about solar energy, panels and systems are: "Standard 1 – Mathematical Processes and Standard 4 – Geometry & Measurement and Define, evaluate, and compare functions" Mathematics. (n.d.).
Various information gathering techniques can be utilized, as the specialist and the examination subjects cooperate in this collaborative dialogic relationship (Moen, 2006). Data can be as field notes; journal records; interview transcripts; one's own particular and other's perceptions; narrating; interview transcripts; personal written work; reports, for example, school and class arrangements, bulletins, and different writings, for example, standards and principles; and pictures (Moen, 2006). According to Moen (2006), the narrative methodology is arranged inside of the qualitative or interpretive examination method. A subjective way to deal with the field of examination implies that analysts study things in their characteristic settings, attempting to understand and translate phenomena as far as the significance individuals bring to them (Moen, 2006). Throughout the many disciplines that utilized narrative inquiry, certain theoretically oriented narratives help researchers to listen and understand the stories of individuals and to become advocates for them (Sheperis, Young & Daniels, 2010). As with all methods, caution must be used. For instance, narrative researchers have to interrogate and allow their presence in all phases of the investigative process (Sheperis, Young & Daniels,
Qualitative research seeks to understand a social or human problem through an inquiry process. It is conducted in a natural setting and reports the views of informants in rich detail. Qualitative research strives to describe the extraordinarily complex nature of people and their perceptions of their experience in the specific social context in which the experience occurs. (Geertz, 1973). This is quite different than the paradigm of quantitative research. The raw material for qualitative research is ordinary language, as opposed to the numbers that are the raw material for quantitative research. The language may be obtained in many ways. It may be the participant’s own descriptions of him or he...
The guilt of leaving work unfinished, led employees to look for reprieve elsewhere by abusing personal time. The consequence of the excusals bred workplace crisis as well as job burnout, low employee morale and general absence. According to CBRI, below is a list of 10 things the management department can do to prevent the rising cases of
"Sick leave abuse: A chronic workplace ill?", 2002, PM.Public Management, vol. 84, no. 5, pp. 32-33.
Kaye, H., Jans, L., & Jones, E. (2011). Why don't employers hire and retain workers with disabilities? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21(4), 526-536. doi:10.1007/s10926-011-9302-8
Other people can’t find jobs because of disabilities or health problems. If someone gets into a car accident and gets physically injured long-term or becomes disabled, it becomes difficult to do many types of jobs. In another case a person may become ill and not be able to work for a long period of time or at all.