Cultural Diversity: Growing Up In The 21st Century

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Cultural Diversity / Family Project

Growing up in the 21st century is very different from when my parents did. Many people did not have the rights or views that we have today. Over the years many traditions were lost and values changed due to the worlds cultural expansion. My family is half Jewish and half Catholic causing my siblings and I to be involved in both religions. One tradition on my mother’s side when we get together for a holiday is to say a prayer in polish before eating dinner. My mother’s side is very small now so we are thankful for everyone that we have left. We give thanks for what we have, hope for a healthy year and reminisce about our lost loved ones. At these occasions we tend to drink which is probably not a good idea according to my genogram.
Once a year I travel to Florida to see my father’s side of the family. During my visits we tend to relax, eat, sleep and catch up on everything throughout the past year. A tradition we have always kept with us is getting someone in the family in trouble with my grandfather. My grandfather is strict and does not like when we use our cellphones at the table or slang …show more content…

The health pattern and or risk that stood out to me most was my predisposition for cancer. I noticed that on my father’s side, my grandfather and aunt had breast cancer and my sister had ovarian cancer. This is an eye-opener for me because I found out that the BRACA gene runs in my family. Unfortunately, doctors have told me that I take after my father’s side more than my mothers. I discovered that my sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was only 17. I am 21 years old and have never been to the doctors to get screened. Not only am I more conscious about my health risks, but I will now take preventative actions to preserve my health. Perhaps consuming less alcohol on family occasions would also be a

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