Cultural Differences Between Yoshida And Macarthur

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In the first meeting that has occurred between Yoshida and MacArthur, was found to be very astonishing. Yoshida told his daughter, “the American paced theatrically back and forth while delivering one of his sekkyo, or sermons, prompting Yoshida to laugh, as he imagined being caged with a pacing lion.” MacArthur then asked Yoshida found so funny. As Yoshida told him what he has though, MacArthur stared for a moment before laughing along with him. The two of them established a good working relationship, and met many times in the coming years. During WWII, Shigeru worked hard to get negotiations for peace between Japan and the United States. However, in 1944, he was put into prison for campaigning peace. After the surrender in 1945, he

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