Business Culture in Japan

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Executive Summary

Many have failed to notice the consequentiality of knowing business rule, particularly once handling with business partner from foreign countries and different cultures. Business partners in foreign companies have completely different cultural practices and customs. Being watchful of those varied customs and practices is crucial to being prosperous in a global business environment.

The main purpose of this report is to introduce the key cultural options of Japan. It’s vital for business individuals to avoid some cultural mistake in their journeys to Japan. The report has focus two main views that square measure general cultures and business cultures in Japan.

Cultural Analysis

When coming into a guest country, customs do not seem to be expressed, or obscurity proximate to, a homogeneous as what it is back home. However, there are area unit invariably pointers to avail time within the hospitality country. For instance, in Japan, to obstruct confrontation is thoroughly indispensable. The Japanese can typically abstain from expressing their true feelings so as to keep up harmonious cognations. It is all about confide in a business. Establishing business, it is sensible to possess plausible public erudition regarding about the culture.

In Japan, the culture in authenticity is very polite. For business communications, Japanese utilize good manners, whereas informal manners are used for socialization. Manners and being polite is a key facet of Japanese business culture so as to stay clients, or potential clients, ecstatic. Japanese conferences start with a religious procedure, meishi kokna, which engage in making an exchange of business cards. This is usually a method of showing the consequentiality of the even...

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...ess. Cluster may assume moderate and agreeable in their cultures, however is not acceptable in alternative cultures. As a result, a decent method to manage the cross-culture and to be an efficient negotiator, respects another culture, and acquires knowledge from some counter measures for society conflicts.

Reference List

1) Brewer, Thomas L. (ed.). International Business. New York: Praeger, 1985.

Cited on 5 April 2014

2) Glover, M. Katherine. “Do’s and Taboos: Cultural Aspects of International Business.” Business America, 1990, pp.2-6.

Cited on 5 April 2014


Cited on 6 April 2014


Cited on 6 April 2014


Cited on 7 April 2014

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