Cultural Differences Between Hercules And The Greek Myth

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“History is Philosophy teaching by examples” (Thucydides 395-460 BC). This is a quote by the famous greek philosopher Thucydides. In this specific quote he is stating that philosophy is teaching us through things that have happened in the past; this is very similar to how people watch a movie or read a story and learn from what the did people in the movie/book did. The differences between Disney’s movie Hercules and the Greek Mythological story “Heraclês” outlines the cultural differences of the value of things like heroism, loyalty, and innocence. One of the biggest differences between the Disney Movie Hercules and the Greek Myth “Heraclês” is the value of heroism in the story. In both of the stories Heroism is one of Hercule’s/Heraclê’s biggest values, but just how they obtain it, or why they want to, varies greatly. In the movie and in the book hercules defeats all these monster and goes through all these trials, but in the book all these monsters are called The Trials. In the myth of Heraclês, the hero is working to be forgiven in the god’s eyes for what he did to his family, …show more content…

While in both times, modern and past, loyalty was/is a big thing, we now think of things differently. In the modern movie of Hercules everyone only has one wife and hercules has friends backing him the whole way. In the myth of Heraclês he is on his own, and many people have multiple wives, they didn’t see anything wrong with it. Even though they present loyalty differently in the two stories, It is still very apparent that in old time greece loyalty was very important. Even though people would have multiple wives, they still pledged to stay with them, and in both Zeus loyalty very much. In modern times we believe that in marriage we can only have one spouse, because that means that you are giving all of your loyalty to one person, but there are still many similarity in the beliefs now and

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