Cross Country Team Essay

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The cross country team at TJ had an eventful year, with many new runners and a great deal of motivation, resulting in a rise in the DPS standings for the 2015-2016 season. Faster times and a closer-knit team are only a few of the improvements the team made this year. Cross country is one of the most open and easily accessible sports; many people can go out and run, but it takes practice and dedication to excel in the sport. In the past, TJ’s cross country team has been fairly small compared to other schools in the district. This year, many new freshmen and sophomores joined the team, making it larger than it has been in years. With more runners, it is also more difficult to make the varsity team. Instead of discouraging the team, it makes the runners more motivated to work their hardest in order to receive an athletic letter. Having more runners also raises TJ’s rank in crossvcountry. “My favorite thing is that we are a family. We work together and help each other out and just make each other better,” said junior runner Natalie Daniels. The faster the runners become and the more they improve, the better TJ will become in relation to Colorado standings. …show more content…

“I really enjoy seeing the team bond and new friendships develop. I think this team has been tremendously successful in that regard of fostering a fun environment,” said Sturges. Runners on the team who are injured are encouraged to go to the meets and cheer on their team, which fuels the great relationships between teammates. The team practices five days a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are hard workouts that focus on speed training and hills, while easy workouts on Tuesday and Thursday are light jogs in the parks around TJ, such as Eisenhower Park and Bible

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