Crohn's Disease Case Study

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Crohn’s Disease: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. It is a fairly common disease that affects a large population causing abdominal pain, frequent bloody stools, and fatigue (What is....2016). The first documented case of Crohn’s disease suspected was King Alfred in 850 A.D. This disease is named after a Jewish man named Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn (1884-1983) who became interested in the condition as his father, also a Dr, suffered from a disorder of the bowel. He devoted his career to “regional enteritis” the disease that now bares his name. It is necessary to understand the disease to be able to provide care for people who are afflicted by it (de Campos and Kotze 2013). Especially since Crohn’s is a chronic disease or a lifelong affliction it’s important to understand etiology, it’s symptoms, treatments, and to maintain the disease and the psychological well being of the patient managed (Crohn’s...2015). The normally functioning alimentary system …show more content…

Anxiety disorders are very highly linked to Crohn’s Disease (Crohn’s...2015). Even depression can result from having very visible surgical scarring Surgery...2014). Stress can aggravate the disease. It’s important for people with Crohn’s Disease to take care of their psychological well being. There are many different ways people deal with it. They may get massages to relax their body or take supplements that may elevate their mood. It may also be a good idea if needed to seek a professional for help. There is therapy readily available for people struggling with anxiety produced from Crohn’s disease (Crohn’s...2015). For example there are support services such as Crohn’s and Colitis Support (Surgery...2014), Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (...Treatment...2015) and other such foundations to help with the emotional impact Crohn’s

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