Critical Analysis Of Kinetic Conversation

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Kinetic Conversation was analyzed into seven different pieces. Through these pieces they demonstrated emotions about a certain tragedy or a meaningful event. All of these performances were sited in the auditorium of RCC. Also, I noticed that all the pieces showed a certain emotion through the movements of their feet and hand gestures. The first piece that was called “the golden flock” choreographed by Rosa Rodriguez- Frazier and Joey Navarrete. This piece was by far one of the shortest. This piece was also very unique because the dancers did not need music to express their feelings towards a song. However, each dancer was doing different positions; for example, some were using releve, while others spinned, and jumped across the floor. Also, the dancers during this piece used a lot of pedestrian hand gestures. Very similar to what we were learning in class. Moreover, the second piece was called “Are you ready?” choreographed by Lindsay Rapport. According to my research this piece was an inspiration from current, turbulent political climate. It became more intense with uncertainty and fear for many. This piece was inspired to spread hope and believed that it will become better. The third piece was called “Reclaim Dawn” choreographed by Morgan …show more content…

For example, they used footwork of ballet along with many upper body movements. They traveled and counterbalance through the stage. During this whole piece they used their space as they shaped a movement together with time and body weight. Since they used lifting another common movement was tilting because of weight sharing they started with a position and leaned to incline the upper body from the hips towards any direction. Moreover, once they stayed at a solid position it continued with a Pirouette. They lifted one leg and bent it, until the point where the foot reaches the knee. This piece was resembled more with our class

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