Critical Analysis Of Frankenstein

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Exploration of Humanities: Analysis of Mary Shelly 's Frankenstein, 1818 Novel
Initial reactions to work I was drawn to this novel, because I am intrigued by idiosyncrasies and unspeakable horrors. What I found after reading this novel, however, was even more horrific than man giving life to a creature using various parts of corpses. Frankenstein 's cruelty in subjecting his creation to a life of abandonment, loneliness, and emotional torture was the ultimate gruesome act. One aspect particularly interesting, and frustrating to me was that I found Frankenstein to be a selfish coward. When his creation reached out for him, he abandoned him (Shelley, 1818). In contrast, with my opinion that Frankenstein is selfish, he refused to create a
This novel exposes raw human emotion relating to the grotesque, dark, and unnatural, otherwise known as The Gothic, in Romantic literature (MindEdge, Inc., 2014). The Gothic is evident with a detailed description of the murder of a child (William), and the child 's struggle to break free from his murderer, as well as the description of Elizabeth 's screams as she was murdered, and her head hanging down with lifeless body flung over the bed (Shelley, 1818). Nature is also distinguished by descriptions of Frankenstein 's Swiss home, the shapes of the mountains, changing seasons, violent storms, and the narrator 's ship was surrounded by ice. Shelley 's novel was inspired by ghost stories she heard from Lord Byron (Shelley, 1818), the model for Romantic heroism (MindEdge, Inc., 2014). Nationalism is also evident when Frankenstein refers to Geneva as his country, and was dear to him (Shelley, 1818). Although this novel strongly represents Romantic literature, I see a connection to the earlier Renaissance era in the form of scientific expansion and individualism. Frankenstein was focused on his sole purpose of the scientific development of creating a human (Shelley,
How often do we hear the shooter was a tortured soul? Bullied? An outcast? Abandoned? They turn their pain into tragedies, both for the ones they murder, and for the loved ones left behind, much like Frankenstein 's creature when he killed Frankenstein 's loved ones. In the end, Frankenstein 's creature spoke of his own death, and sprung into the darkness of the icy sea (Shelley,

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