Credibility And Transferability

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Within a research process, trustworthiness is considered a vital component (Amankwaa, 2016). While quantitative researchers recognize reliability and validity as concepts to explain the usefulness of data obtained, qualitative researchers conceptualize these notions differently (Prion and Adamson, 2014). In an attempt to assess the quality of qualitative research, Lincoln and Guba (1985) have suggested the terms credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability. According to Crossley (2007), these four key criteria that are drawn from the philosophical concepts of qualitative research are necessary to evaluate the quality of qualitative research particularly its significance, impact, and usefulness. In fact, such mechanisms should be embedded in every step of a research study to assure its trustworthiness and rigor (Creswell and Miller, 2002).

Credibility refers to the researcher representation and interpretation of the participant real views (Polit & Beck, 2012).
Though being translucent and explicit during the data analysis process is essential to establish the credibility and trustworthiness of the research (Arriaza et al., 2015), it is …show more content…

To approach dependability, the author in the proposed study intends to utilize question guideline to guide her in obtaining the inquiries during the interview and to probe the topics when needed (Chai, Putit and Siop, 2016). Moreover, to ensure constancy of the data, colleagues who are familiar with qualitative research will be asked to check the findings and review the participant’s transcriptions (Heydari, Rahnavard and Ghaffari, 2017). At last, to enhance the validity and trustworthiness of the study, the author intends also to have peer debriefing by having the agreement of different individuals other than the researcher on emerging themes and insights (Amankwaa,

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