Creative Writing: The Void

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In a time before all of this, it was solely darkness. The universe was merely a black hole, void of life and light. Within this void however, their was one conscious being. Sol, the being within the void was the only thing that possessed energy. Said energy had always been within the void but after years of manifestation this energy became Sol. After his manifestation, he began to form thoughts within himself that caused him to become self-aware, and he began to view his existence as meek because there were no other beings within the void to share his energy and self-awareness with. Along with this, he began to form the basis of emotion. He understood that the feeling of not being able to share his energy, was actually loneliness. So he spoke, …show more content…

The ashes from the fire, remained as burning specs within the universe, ultimately becoming the stars. Though there were now other things in the void, these things he had created were not able to exchange energy with Sol. So he began to ponder conjuring up, other self aware beings like himself. He then plucked his eyes from his head, and formed two
In a time before all of this, it was solely darkness. The universe was merely a black hole, void of life and light. Within this void however, their was one conscious being. Sol, the being within the void was the only thing that possessed energy. Said energy had always been within the void but after years of manifestation this energy became Sol. After his manifestation, he began to form thoughts within himself that caused him to become self-aware, and he began to view his existence as meek because there were no other beings within the void to share his energy and self-awareness with. Along with this, he began to form the basis of emotion. He understood that the feeling of not being able to share his energy, was actually loneliness. So he spoke, for the first time and his words began to conjure up fire. The fire began to spread rapidly, as …show more content…

With each child, this shift in skin tone occurred, causing a vast majority of variation amongst the inhabitants of Sol, all created equally. This made Sol feel, yet again, another emotion, joy. With each new inhabitant came new energy giving him the opportunity to feel mass amount of energy, he vowed that as long as the humans kept furnishing him with new energy, that he would remain as a place for them to reside on.

For my creation, I used several of Y,YE;jgJ~.'~ types of creation. The first, Ex ~ibJLQ , which means "of nothingness", is a myth in which the creator fills this void of nothingness by conjuring things into existence by their speech alone. In my myth, Sol, after years of the sole conscious being within the void of nonexistence, began to speak and this speech started the basis of the universe and everything in it. In addition to this I also used accretion. Sol's first word became a great fire that spread across the entire universe, while his second became the wind. These two elements combined formed the universe and all of the galaxies and stars held within. To some extent you could also say, that sacrifice played a key role in the myth as well. When Sol,

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