"If I had my life to live over again, I should devote myself to psychical research rather than to psychoanalysis," wrote Sigmund Freud to associate Hereward Carrington. Freud had this late-in-life wish, but alas -- time would not grant its fulfilment. Such testimony by the eminent father of psychoanalysis bears witness to the fact that psychical experiences are indeed central to our lives.
Parapsychology is the branch of psychology concerned with study of extrasensory perception and psychical experiences. Whereas psychology and psychoanalysis deal with the corporeal man... parapsychology deals with the spiritual man. This spiritual branch of psychology was known to the Greek philosopher Aristotle as the science of metaphysics. We are told by him that, "the spirituous body either undergoes a certain breakdown or, by being out of symmetry, troubles and hampers understanding"... mental derangement and dulling of the understanding of man is due to changes in the spirit. That academic psychology would backtrack to seriously consider the hypothesis of the "spirit-body" and the metaphysical nature of man in the 20th century seems absurd. The thrust of parapsychology, however, appears inexorably driven in the direction where contemporary science, philosophy and religion blend into a single universal understanding, enabling man to know himself in the fullest context. Today's rebirth of this science is Parapsychology.
Although study of the field of Parapsychology is relatively new, its principles had their birth in ages long since turned to dust and decay. Today we all have a chance to learn about the field of Parapsychology and understand and appreciate its significance in our lives.
A Complete Course in Parapsychology offers the basic theories, principles and histories of phenomena involving: Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Hypnosis and Sensory Awareness, Psychometry (Psychoscopy), Psychokinesis, Dermo-Optics, Radiesthesia, Spiritual Healing, Aura and Mediumship. Also covered in the study are actual case histories, laboratory experiments, practical home applications and comprehensive conclusions to cover all such phenomena.
As you continue in your studies, you will observe that all parapsychological phenomena have a fundamental relationship to each other, and that there is one important foundation to the whole structure of Parapsychology.
Parapsychologists, metaphysicians and philosophers believe that all life and living matter, as well as everything we see and know, is composed of electromagnetic energy "frozen" into what we consider to be solid matter and that space is a continuous source of energy, consciousness and intelligence. Infinite frequencies of electromagnetic energy interact with every human being and physical entity.
The science of person is an understanding and account of the patient as human being to relate with. This means that the psychic life is at least partially understood in the terms of one 's existential condition. This is based upon the understanding of the self as necessarily interconnected; no self can exist in isolation. The way that an individual responds to this determines their psychological well-being. To Laing, this "science of persons" is the foundation of his understanding of the human being 's psychic life.
There is almost no doubt that there is a relationship between psychology and philosophy. Indeed, many people actually considering that the philosophies related to and concerned with the mind and thought are the precursor to modern psychology. Of course, most of these philosophies were decidedly western, or popular in the west. However, the problem with our western views of consciousness in philosophy and psychology is that often times the way we view the conscious process leads to a so-called "infinite regression." That is to say, if we see consciousness as a set of rules guiding our experiences in life, there must also be another set of rules that defines how we know when to use those rules, and so on and so forth. (Kurak 2001, 18-19). In this paper, I will attempt to show how we can turn to Buddhist principles to help us gain a better understanding of human consciousness.
Sigmund Freud believed that he “occupies a special place in the history of psychoanalysis and marks a turning point, it was with it that analysis took the step from being a psychotherapeutic procedure to being in depth-psychology” (Jones). Psychoanalysis is a theory or therapy to decode the puzzle of neurotic disorders like hysteria. During the therapy sessions, the patients would talk about their dreams. Freud would analyze not only the manifest content (what the dreamer remembers) of the dreams, but the disguise that caused the repressions of the idea. During our dreams, the decision making part of personality’s defenses are lowered allowing some of the repressed material to become more aware in a distorted form. He distinguished between
Paranormal activity is manifestation that lies outside of the normal experience which can’t be proven to be real. Most people have become interested in the haunted houses and stones due to the lack of support that they are getting from the community of science. The lack of support from the community will be hard to get because most people do not believe in this. According to the unknown, “paranormal activities and sightings usually fall into categories: spirituals entities, crytids, which are organisms whose existence is told by legends and myths.” Most people think that paranormal deal with just ghost and their hauntings but it is much more than that. Paranormal phenomena are not accepted by the scientists because they feel the evidence should be required. According to Psychic Readings, "ESP stands for extra sensory perception. While clairvoyance, or seeing clearly is primarily an optional phenomenon." A clairvoyant psychic is someone who shares a vision of unseen in telling about their health or future. "Clairvoyants are people who specialize in supernatural skills," states Psychics Reading. People like this have a magical ability to see into the past, present, and future. ESP is normally addresses as the sixth sense. "The term 'ESP' was used often in 1870 by Sir Richard Burton." Psychical research does not support that everyone is born with this capability. It is said there are people who have experienced at least one ESP in their lifetime. However to Schmeidler, another theory claims that ESP is a super sense which evolves in the nervous system. From David’s perspective, “hundreds of years ago to possess the gift of clairvoyance, one was considered a witch - as unknown knowledge was 'feared' (the emotion which keeps us trappe...
The study of psychology began as a theoretical subject a branch of ancient philosophy, and later as a part of biological sciences and physiology. However, over the years, it has grown into a rigorous science and a separate discipline, with its own sets of guidance and experimental techniques. This paper aims to study the various stages that the science of psychology passed through to reach its contemporary status, and their effects on its development. It begins with an overview of the historical and philosophical basis of psychology, discusses the development of the various schools of thought, and highlights their effects on contemporary personal and professional decision-making.
The first theory Psychodynamic theory presented by Sigmund Freud, is based on how a person’s self-awareness and understanding of the past on present behavior. Psychody...
Renner, T., Feldman, R., Majors, M., Morrissey, J., & Mae, L. (2011). States of Consciousness. Psychsmart (pp. 99-107). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. New York: Quill, 1999. Print.
Caramazza, A., & Coltheart, M. (2006). Cognitive Neuropsychology twenty years on. Cognitive Neuropsychology, Vol. 23, pp. 3-12.
This paper will discuss the mind-body connection and it's relevance to health care professionals and to the public. It will explore the history of the mind-body connection, as well as state research that has been done on the subject. The reader will gain an understanding of the various techniques used in mind-body therapy, as well as their effectiveness.
During the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century, a psychologist named Sigmund Freud welcomed the new age with his socially unacceptable yet undoubtedly intriguing ideologies; one of many was his Psychoanalytic Theory of Dreams. Freud believed that dreams are the gateway into a person’s unconscious mind and repressed desires. He was also determined to prove his theory and the structure, mechanism, and symbolism behind it through a study of his patients’ as well as his own dreams. He contended that all dreams had meaning and were the representation of a person’s repressed wish. While the weaknesses of his theory allowed many people to deem it as merely wishful thinking, he was a brilliant man, and his theory on dreams also had many strengths. Freud’s theories of the unconscious mind enabled him to go down in history as the prominent creator of Psychoanalysis.
One of Freud's major contributions was his appreciation of unconscious processes in people’s lives. According to Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, the dream images and their symbolic messages can be observed as one's fulfilled wis...
“Consciousness is defined as everything of which we are aware at any given time - our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions of the external environment. Physiological researchers have returned to the study of consciousness, in examining physiological rhythms, sleep, and altered states of consciousness (changes in awareness produced by sleep, meditation, hypnosis, and drugs)” (Wood, 2011, 169). There are five levels of consciousness; Conscious (sensing, perceiving, and choosing), Preconscious (memories that we can access), Unconscious ( memories that we can not access), Non-conscious ( bodily functions without sensation), and Subconscious ( “inner child,” self image formed in early childhood).
While Freud rarely made use of hypnotism, he did not advise against its use on an individual basis as a means of self-analysis. Citing the potential damage resulting from a therapist...
It had been reported that, “Numerous people have told of hearing their doctors or other spectators in effect pronounce them dead” (Moody Jr, MD, 2015, p. 17). This is an out of body experience. Each reported feelings of peace and quiet, which transitioned into a bad buzzing noise. After proceeding through a tunnel, they have an “encounter with a very bright light” (Moody Jr, MD, 2015, p. 51). Questions resound around a reflection of their life, what they had learned during it, and if it was worth it. Invariably, each of the subjects’ encounter a border at which they are told they need to go back. “Considering the skepticism and lack of understanding that greet the attempt of a person to discuss his near-death experience, it is not surprising that almost everyone in this situation comes to feel that he is unique, that no one else has ever undergone what he has” (Moody Jr, MD, 2015, p. 83). Naturally, the outcome of this experience has an effect on the lives of those experiencing it.