Creative Writing: Ming Island

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Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into days, I have no idea how long I have been in this water for. So many things are running through my head, but the main one is to not let go of this wrist.My hand is cramping and my muscles are sore. I have to gain the strength to hold on. I turn my head and take a glimpse of the small childish face. It is not clear but I have a feeling it is Ming.As the large waves crash upon the rocks, I use all my power to pull us onto the nearby log drifting through the water. Then in that moment, I see my sister's face, she has a small wound on her forehead. Dragging Ming behind me we climb onto the driftwood. We are slowly floating down the river. All I see are constant white caps, when is this ever going to end. I am so tired …show more content…

The wood has been lodged between 2 large rocks.Not far down the stream, I spot a small piece of land. We must get to this island as our lives depend on it.Even Though the last thing on my mind is to go back into the cold rushing water we have to go downstream. I dislodge the piece of wood and we pick up speed very fast. We approach our destination. I push Ming onto the island. Then a force from the other side pulls her to safety. It is an old weathered fisherman. He wraps us in a small ruff towel but it is better than nothing. With a small first aid kit, the man bandages Ming, as she baths in the sun warming her pale shriveled body. We tell him what has happened to us and our situation. then he tells us how he found another survivor in the same condition. It kinda fits the description of my father. Tears begin to fill my eyes as I am afraid to ask the looming question is he alive. He immediately knows what I was thinking. Pulling my hair out of my face he tells Ming and I that he is alive but in some pain. I let out a deep breath that I was holding in ever since this accident. I spot a my dad. He is having a nap on the dirt surface. From what it looks like

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