Creative Writing: Behind The Bar

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The wind's only whistling quietly but it's enough to take him by surprise when the door opens and the silence is broken by it. A figure, face masked by a black helmet, stands in the doorway, letting the sand begin to slowly push its way in, before taking two steps forward, heavy boots thudding on the floor, and letting the door swing closed behind them. Their leather jacket lifts slightly as they reach for the helmet, revealing a sliver of a torn blue shirt beneath it. The removal of the helmet allows a cascade of dark hair to fall out and piercing brown eyes to be seen. The man, who has been frozen behind the bar since he heard the creaking of the door opening, adjusts his position to face the (intruder) square in. "How much is a stiff drink …show more content…

You don't even leave the bar; why would you need them?" His face is a bright red now. "I don't know it's just. It's complicated ok? You can look at it if you want." He adds quickly, desperately wanting to change the subject. "And I can tell you all I know about the changes she predicted but it's not much." "Thanks. Although I don't want to freeze, I also don't want to die before I even get there." "I'd recommend you go see her but Zone 6 isn't small and I have no idea where she'll be." "It's fine; don't worry about it. I'll take a look at what you've got. Can't have changed too much recently." No one really knows how The Cockroach does it but she's found a way to keep herself stocked with infinite numbers of maps of the Zones. Most people reckon she took them from the city, as if there are rooms there stacked with prints of the surrounding areas. Ghost reckons she traces one but that introduces the new problem of paper. That's not something you come across often enough these days. In the end only she really knows and there are as many theories as there are zonerunners. He spreads the sheet out on the counter and take a seat next to her as she quickly tries to get to work deciphering the colours on …show more content…

"I don't know what you're talking about." She tells him but as she turns back to study the map she can't stop a memory of a girl with sparkling eyes and head thrown back in laughter cross her mind. "Stop it." She warns herself. "Sorry?" "No that wasn't... Not you" She (dedicates herself) to remembering the route she's traced out in an attempt to distract her (disloyal) mind. Focussing on the details, mapping Drac patrol routes over her own track across the desert, estimating timings, she manages to concentrate on the important things. She'll pass through two light orange areas and she can't stay in them for more than half a day, Dracs'll be around Zone 4 between 11 and 1 and then again from 10 at night with much faster bikes than her so she can't risk being on the road any time near then. It seems like the more times passes, the less she can afford to be careless. "You leaving?" "Probably should; Toxic isn't gonna find themself." "I guess... Surely you can spare a night though. The wind will be hell in an hour, maybe less. Just stay

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