Creative Writing: An Inspector Calls

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"Kellin!" Vic screamed as he quietly swung the door open. I'm sure he expected me to be changing or in the shower, but instead he found me hunched over a toilet bowl emptying my stomach. Great.

"Kells, w-what the hell! Stop! Tell me what's wrong now!" He added, rushing to my side.

"Stop yelling and don't touch me." I said rather sternly. Even Vic was taken aback, and crept back a few feet.

Drums played their beat in my head as I carefully got to my feet. I flushed the toilet, then shot a glance at Vic, who returned a hopeful glare. I simply instructed him to go to the other room and wait; which he thankfully obliged.

After he left, my attention turned back to the person staring back at me in the mirror. Who am I now? I hate the man I've …show more content…

I'm only older than her by a year and a few months."

Vic's face lit up when I finished answering. He went on about how two years would go by so quick.

"Hey Kells?"


"I don't care about your flaws or imperfections. I'd never throw you away because you have problems. Everyone's broken in their own way. Lucky for us, we're broken in ways that fit perfectly together."

I teared up once again at how sweet he is. No, how perfect he is. Any other person probably would've dumped me tonight. Vic though? He's not just some person. He's almost my entire world. It's scary how much he means to me just after 3 days, but, time doesn't have to measure a person's feelings. I'm not quite in love yet, but I know it wont take long to get there with him.

"Babe?" Vic asked.

"Yes, Viccypoo-greatestpersonofalltime?"

He groaned before asking if we could sleep. I glanced around him at the clock on his black night stand and it was past 12. I agreed, and turned off the light which was on the other black night stand on the other side of the bed.

"Good night, Kells." He said, cuddling up closer to me and placing the blanket over us.

"Good night Vic. Thank

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