Creative Writing: An Inspector Calls

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“My picture’s on here, but it looks photoshopped. I take it that’s so we get through check in. How did that guy even have time to do this?” “I talked to him two days ago. I had him prepare them just in case. He hacked into the DMV site and obtained our photos. I tossed your purse out shortly after.” “So you knew you might be leaving town.” “I figured it might come down to it.” “And you just knew I would come with?” “More like I hoped you would.” I look out over the crowd of people. I spot a pay phone in the distance. I have to do it. I have to hear those messages from her. I know he won’t let me make the call once we leave here. I walk toward one. I can hear trig calling my name behind me, but I ignore him. I put the bags down by my feet once …show more content…

Call me back.” “Nine, this is really starting to freak me out. I haven’t heard from you since last night.” “If you don’t call me back in the next hour, I’m calling the police.” There are several of these type of calls. I listen from beginning to end. It’s not until I get to the very last one that I feel like collapsing. I grab on to the booth. She’s crying the entire message. “Jesus Christ. The news reports that guy I set you up with is a pimp and drug dealer, and that he’s missing. I saw his face on the television. I wasn’t honest when I told you that he called me first. I actually met him at a coffee shop and we sat down and had a cup or two. He said he was a business owner. He told me he runs a rehabilitation home that helps get young women off the streets. He says most of them own their own companies now. I kind of told him your story and he was so moved to speak with you. God, Nine. I’m so sorry. I had no clue. I just wanted better for you. I wanted him to talk to you, and encourage you to start doing something else. Me and Mr. V. talked over the phone a lot about helping you get out of this business. He said he would take care of it. I’m so scared. I just keep thinking that something bad has happened to you. Please forgive me. Call me, please. I know I never told you this, but I love …show more content…

I release a sigh of relief as we pass her. “My husband beats me?” I repeat quietly. “It worked. What are you complaining about?” We make our way over to notice that our plane is boarding, so we line up. The line begins to move quickly, and before I know it we are packing into the plane. We find our seats and settle in. Trig looks at me and then he pulls his wallet out. He hands me a picture from inside. “I thought you might want this.” I take it and unfold the picture. It’s of me and Jenny when we were about eighteen. I close it and hold it against my heart. I immediately look outside the window. I need a distraction to hold back theses tears. I understand why Trig didn’t tell me, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt just as bad knowing that she isn’t here in this world anymore. I unfold it again and look down. My chest starts to heave, but I won’t let it. I place one hand over my mouth. I drop my head, close my eyes and pray silently. I pray that her body is laid to rest and that wherever her spirit is that it looks after me. I can’t hold back anymore. I feel my eyes watering up. I shoot up from my seat. Trig grabs my hand. I look down at

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