Creative Criticism

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Creative Criticism

The book I'm a Stranger Here Myself, written by Bill Bryson, is based on a collection of written articles. Bryson writes about everyday events and shows their negative qualities through whining or creative criticism. He attracts the readers' attention by writing ideas that relate to a normal persons life. His methods are very powerful because it attracts his main audience of common people through his simple vocabulary use and everyday middleclass situations. Also between his "complaining" he throws in little jokes that make his stories entertaining. This makes the reader continue reading because it constantly grabs their attention. Another reason of why Bryson's style of writing is very effective is because all of his stories have a main theme that gives a strong and important message to the reader. Some of these messages may be a little controversial to some readers but are very thought out and well explained.

Bryson main style of writing is criticism through complaining. His topics are what many people believe or agree with and have complained once or twice about. Bryson's style of writing makes him very effective in grabbing the reader's attention because many readers relate to his complaining. In the book Bryson complains about the rules and regulations and how sometimes they are overdone. One instance of breaking a rule was when he seated himself in an empty restaurant even though it had a "Please Wait to Be Seated" sign. In this chapter he states "There was no other customer within fifty feet, but that wasn't the point. The point was that I had disregarded a posted notice and would have to serve a small sentence in purgatory in consequence." (Pg21) Many readers would sympathize with the customer and agree with his actions, however if the exact situation would happen to us, we would probably "Wait to Be Seated." This is one of his many mentioned rules that the readers don't agree with and question, but never act against them. Bryson stories are interesting because he challenges and conquers these rules. Another instance of his rule breaking was when he wasn't allowed to fly on the plane because he did not have a picture ID. He also thought this rule was pointless and went against it by showing the flight clerk his picture on the back of his book.

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