Creationism vs. Evolution

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Creationism vs. Evolution

This paper will focus on the huge controversy between Creationism and Evolution. I will

provide two opposing viewpoints on this subject. First, the discussion will focus on the

question of why many people believe that God created the universe and all living things.

On the other end of the spectrum, scientific information will be presented that

substantiates the evidence against the existence of God. This creationism counter-argument known as evolution has its roots in our contemporary understanding of a progressive process of natural evolution. This process shaped the nature of all living things beginning with single-cell organisms and ending with highly complex creatures such as humanoids.

There are two possibilities in relation to the origin of life: Either a supernatural being (God) created life or all life evolved on its own. Many people, who are known as

creationists believe that God created the earth and all the creatures in it. Then there are those who believe in evolution, which is supported by a plethora of facts and theories. Darwin is the most famous person associated with the theory of evolution. He suggested that humans had evolved, over a long period of time, from lower primates. He is also famous for the concept that coined the phrase “survival of the fittest.”

Darwin’s evolutionary theory of life on earth argues that present day creatures that roam

the earth are the outcome of billions of years in adaptations to constantly changing

environments. Evolution is the idea that while organisms exhibit certain traits, they are not fixed and are able to be altered through progressive adaptation. Adaptation occurs through the passing of traits from an organism pa...

... middle of paper ... The Case for Evolution. New York: Pantheon

Books, 1982.

Godfrey, Laurie, ed. Scientists Confront Creationism. New York: W.W. Norton, 1983.

Science and creationism. (1999). Retrieved December 1, 2001 from the World Wide


Spetner, Lee. Not by Chance! Shattering the Modern Theory of Evolution. Brooklyn,

New York: Judaica Press 1997.

Young world. (1996). Retrieved December 1, 2001 from the World Wide Web.

Zondervan publishing house. Holy bible: New international version. (1986). Grand

Rapids, Michigan.

Zondervan publishing house. Holy bible: New international version. (1986). Grand

Rapids, Michagan. (Genesis 1:26).

Zondervan publishing house. Holy bible: New international version. (1986). Grand

Rapids, Michagan. (Psalms 19:1-3)

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