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Recommended: Theory of evolution
Weaknesses of the Theory of Evolution
According to the theory of evolution, approximately 3.8 billion years ago some chemicals accidentally structured themselves into a self-replicating molecule. This beginning spark of life was the ancestor of every living thing we see today. Through the processes of mutation and natural selection, that simplest life form, has been shaped into every living species.
A British naturalist and geologist by the name of Charles Darwin was the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.Evolution is said to occur over long stretches of time, not in quick jumps. There are actually two different lines of thought on the matter. Phyletic gradualism holds that speciation takes place constantly and over long periods of time. Punctuated equilibrium, on the other hand, involves quick jumps and starts, with long periods of time between the changes.
A lot of people, Christians and non-Christians alike often question the accuracy of the theory of evolution. Those who express doubts about the theory are often labelled “unscientific” or “backwards” by some in the pro-evolution camp. At times, the popular perception of evolution seems to be that it has been proven beyond all doubt and there are no scientific obstacles left for it. In fact, there are quite a few scientific flaws in the theory that provide many reasons for it to be doubted. It is true though, none of these questions necessarily disproves evolution, but they do show how the theory is less than settled.
There are many ways in which evolution can be criticized scientifically, but most of those criticisms are highly specific. There are countless examples of genetic characteristics, ecological system...
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...tside of its own boundaries. Fairly or not, the theory of evolution has been hijacked as an anti-religious symbol by those with an axe to grind against God.
In conclusion, there are many scientific reasons to question the theory of evolution. These weaknesses may be resolved by science, or they may eventually do away with the theory all together. No one knows which one will happen, but what is known is this: the theory of evolution is far from settled, and rational people can question it scientifically.
Battle for the Beginning: Creation, Evolution and the Bible by John MacArthur
The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils Genes and the Origins of Species by SM Stanley
A View of life by S.J Gould, S.E Luria S. Singer 1981
Science on Trial: the Case for Evolution by D. Futuyma
Selection Species: Its Range and Power by Gould, J Stephen Eldredge and Niles
Charles Darwin, the Father of Evolution, was a British scientist who laid the foundations of the theory of evolution, transforming the thinking of the entire world about the living things around us (Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882)). After working on his theory for nearly 20 years, he published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. As soon as the book was released, the controversy began with each sides gaining followers until the climax on July 10, 1925. The idea that animals could “evolve” and change into new species, including humans, was one that challenged not only how people thought about the natural world, but challenged the story of the creation from the Bible itself. Even though Darwin himself never said that humans “evolved” from apes, everyone took it as a logical extension of his new theory. It went against the idea of argument for design that had unified theology and science for decades (Moran 5). This new threat to Christianity and the social culture of the time was one that would transform state laws on their educational curriculum.
[1] This problem with the theory of evolution was addressed by Stephen Jay Gould and other evolutionists. They postulated the punctuated equilibrium theory of evolution, which does not predict the numerous fossils predicted by the orthodox theory of evolution.
Sarfati, Jonathan D. Refuting Evolution: A Response to the National Academy of Sciences' Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science. Green Forest, AR: Master, 1999. Print.
These days, most of the textbook only presents evolution theory as a fact to interpret the origin of life and the earth. More and more people get to reject creation unconsciously because they had no opportunity to compare and evaluate both worldview in same degree. I interviewed my three close acquaintances and heard a various responses from many people including my interviewees. Some of them had same belief with me, but some people had significantly different opinion with me. As a consequence of evolution theory’s monopoly in education, non-believers and Christians are unconsciously influenced by this secular worldview.
Darwin's theory of Evolution have been known by the world for many centuries. Even so, not all scientists supp...
The authority of the theory of evolution can be characterized by defining what qualifies as a scientific theory. Although there are several perspectives regarding what science is, they are based on the same premises. Karl Popper, a philosopher of science, claims that the process of “conjectures and refutations” is the method of science (46). In this process, a
Anyone with even a moderate background in science has heard of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Since the publishing of his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, Darwin’s ideas have been debated by everyone from scientists to theologians to ordinary lay-people. Today, though there is still severe opposition, evolution is regarded as fact by most of the scientific community and Darwin’s book remains one of the most influential ever written.
In the case of evolution and the origin of life, the biblical account is challenged by evolution theory. Perfectly inspired yet imperfectly written (and interpreted,) the biblical account is believed to be true by the religious....
The twentieth century has witnessed the escalation of the creation - evolution debate through famous court cases and Supreme Court decisions on the teaching of evolution in public schools, culminating most recently in a Kansas Board of Education decision. As this highly controversial issue of the teaching of evolution in American classrooms rages on, it may be difficult for some individuals of Christian faith to form an alternative belief other than the extremes of creationism and evolutionism. Before discussing this issue any further, when I refer to strict beliefs in creationism or evolution as extreme views I am not necessarily implying that they are wrong, but are simply two views on completely opposite sides of the creation - evolution debate spectrum. For some creationists, accepting God as Creator as told in the Book of Genesis means the simultaneous rejection of evolutionary theory. For some evolution believers, accepting evolution ultimately results in the replacement of God as Creator with the process of evolution.
Since the time that teaching evolution in public schools was banned as heresy and taboo for contradicting the Bible, most public school systems today take an opposite approach in which creationism is seldom ta...
... The “Doubting Darwin”. Newsweek.com - "The New York Times" 07 Feb 2005. 44. eLibrary.
In the history of science vs. religion there have been no issues more intensely debated than evolution vs. creationism. The issue is passionately debated since the majority of evidence is in favor of evolution, but the creation point of view can never be proved wrong because of religious belief. Human creation breaks down into three simple beliefs; creation theory, naturalistic evolution theory, and theistic evolution theory. The complexities of all three sides create a dilemma for what theory to support among all people, religious and non-religious.
Evolution is one of the most well supported theories throughout science and is one of the best explanations we have to help us understand the diversity of life forms. There are so many parts to evolution and with each of them having various explanations it is understandable that there are also numerous misconceptions surrounding the theory. Whilst when the theory of evolution was first introduced it produced a fair bit of controversy, it was widely accepted by many biologists. Despite this, it continues to be a difficult and debated topic and so misbeliefs about it largely exist. For these reasons it is important that we study evolution and begin to understand the truth behind these misconceptions.
Evolution views life to be a process by which organisms diversified from earlier forms, whereas creation illustrates that life was created by a supernatural being. Creation and evolution both agree on the existence of microevolution and the resemblance of apes and humans but vary in terms of interpreting the origins of the life from a historical standpoint. A concept known as Faith Vs Fact comprehensively summarizes the tone of this debate, which leads to the question of how life began. While creation represents a religious understanding of life, evolution acknowledges a scientific interpretation of the origins of life. The theory is illustrated as the process by which organisms change species over time.
Charles Darwin, the English naturalist and geologist is attributed and accredited for his theory of evolution. His theory of evolution is based on the premise that strong heritable traits help individuals to survive in adverse and inimical environments.