Evolution vs. Creation

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Don’t Monkey Around in Class
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). Words of this nature have been questioned for thousands of years—by naturalists, materialists, humanists, etc.—and, in more recent times, have led to court cases, heated arguments, and public debates. The major debate intended to be covered in this piece is that of whether or not evolution should be taught in classrooms. Also, if it is to be taught, should it be taught as fact or theory? It is also intended to present enough evidence to disprove evolution altogether and, as a result, make it much less than a theory, but actually the vain opinions of a man who chose not to accept the truth.
The entire point of this essay is to breakdown the theory of evolution, invalidate its scientific reliability, and support the necessity of showing its errors and inaccuracies in classroom textbooks side-by-side with creationism. To date, evolution is being taught in public schools as the only theory of origins. Creationism must be included as the only alternative and evolution discredited because of its invalidity.
On the other hand, Steve Edinger, a biologist at Ohio University, warned members of the House Education Committee about presenting alternative evidence against evolution, saying it “was not scientific” and disservices the students. He continues, “One would wonder what would happen if a teacher spent half a period explai...

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