Creation Of Stars Research Paper

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At the start of the universe there was a varying degree of complexity that ensures the foundations of connections in our universe and planet Earth. With the foundation of the universe it allowed for stars, planets and black holes to form. Stars work as a complex mechanism as they are able to convert elements into fuel to survive, these small mechanisms in the star ensures its stability and makes it complex. The many ways stars are created and destroyed allows for the presentation of different levels of complexity. When a low mass star die it exhausts its fuel and collapses due to gravity, it will the slowly burn away and the carbon core will cool down and become a white dwarf. Massive stars with a higher mass end in a different way, their cores …show more content…

After the death of a star, it sets off a chain of events depending on how big the star is and how it died, as presented if a stars death resulted in a supernova. The remnants of the stars such as dust would accumulate and create a planet this is evident in the creation of the Earth in which the core is mostly made up of iron which may be a remnant of a dead star. This presents the connection of the Big Bang and the creation of the universe. Without the presence of elements there would be nothing to aid in the creation of stars as stars depend on elements such as helium and hydrogen to provide fuel. Without the death of massive stars there would be no oxygen or other elements which helped with the survival of human life. The creation of the sun allows for the creation of life which helps and supports life on Earth. Different components of the sun helps fuel it and provide a stable ball of warmth for Earth until it runs out. Elements are abundant in the universe this is due to the death of stars. The abundance of elements fueled the early forms of life on Earth such as …show more content…

The invention of agriculture united communities and created a hierarchy for some world zones such as Afro Eurasia. With agriculture becoming humans way of life it was slowly becoming more complex as humans domesticated animals such as cattle to alter their genetic makeup and ensure they were easier to control. Agriculture enabled humans to live off the land and control energy and resources. After agriculture was invented the rise of villages were generated this is due to the fact that humans no longer needed to move around for their food and there was significant growth in the human populations meaning that movement was restricted, unlike our ancestors. Later on, there was a growth of commercial trading which permitted in the exchange of religion, ideas and goods. For an exchange of ideas trading post were set up along well-known trading routes such as the Silk Roads. While these were an excellent way to gain knowledge and merchandise, trading along trading routes also introduced new diseases to various regions connected. The introduction of trading routes introduced the idea of collective

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