Creating a Media Product

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Creating a Media Product

For my A-S level media course I was assigned the task of creating a

Media product. First of all, I had to choose the people who would

participate in this work with me. With the advice that any group with

five plus members made organisation and distribution of tasks very

difficult it was agreed that the group I would work with would be a

group of four containing Myself, Thomas Homewood, Ben Weeks and Jack


First of all the four of us began thinking of ideas and primarily what

type of product would be created. We took into consideration the pros

and cons of the two possibilities left on our short-list. They were

either a 30 second long Television advertisement, or a 15-20 minute

long documentary. A documentary, being up to 20 minutes long, would

allow a lot of analysis to be drawn up about the final created

product, but to make a documentary we would need to spend vast amounts

of time in the filming and editing sections of our work, personally I

found the idea of a documentary very appealing, but in a group of four

it was necessary that a group decision was required and that we had to

look into all of the possibilities. The other possibility was, of

course a 30 second long television commercial. An obvious reason for

opting to create a short advert was that it would obviously require

less filming and less editing, this would allow the product to be

perhaps vastly shorter than a documentary, but the short advert would

be, in theory paid much more attention to and when finished would be

far superior. An advert was ultimately decided as the activity

favoured by our group of four, mainly because of the above readings.

Now that the type of product had been decided, it was time for the

real planning and decisions about what type of product to base the

advertisement on, and once that had been decided, actually creating a

Picture board and story line for the advertisement.

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