Costco Ethics Case Study

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Costco: Code of Ethics
When you hear the company name Costco what is the first thing that comes to mind? The bulk items, the friendly employees you interact with, or maybe the incredible prices? Or possibly all of those and then some? Many people who know of, and or about Costco, members of the company or not probably only think of those answers and never anything above. I however, am going to go a little more in depth about the company and how or why it made the Forbes 500 list. The Code of Ethics with any company large or small is the key to having a successful future, and without theses, many companies lose the focus of the big picture; the employees who are there to make the income for the company while enjoying their job, and the customers, who purchase from the company and keep the company going. Without either of these stakeholders, you cannot successfully keep a company afloat. Costco has a list of five things that make the company successful, number one being, “Obey the Law”. Costco is known for many things
Jessica 2 however, if they do no choose to obey the law, they have too much too loose. Costco believes that all employees deserve the proper pay for example, if they were to pay employees less then the minimum wage, they would be breaking the law and their first code. If Costco continued to do this for all employees, they would not have a …show more content…

Goldberg, Bill Ritter). While hiring with in a company has its negatives, it also has many positives as well and Costco has many examples, one being, over half of the employees at Costco have started at the very bottom and have worked their way up being promoted to higher positions (Kevin Short). Giving employees the opportunity to expand in a company such as Costco, will create a much stronger work ethic among employees because it gives them something to work towards. If happy and hard

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