Correctional Officer Scenarios

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Being an officer who protects and serves is already quite terrifying. Having to be with inmates that have killed or assaulted people are the worst of the worst. A correctional officer has big responsibilities to keep themselves safe and their families safe when they go home later that day. You have to think about what goes through the minds of the inmates when you have to keep them in check, or watch over them. Do they want to kill you, your family, show up at your house. Some of these things can be scary to think about. Expect to be trained hard and strictly for the job. Corrections officers need to be prepared for anything to go wrong inside the prison or outside. The training aspect of this profession lasts between several weeks or several …show more content…

It is everything that you will need to know the most of because it can save your life. Whether it is knowing how to fight or how to get away from an attacker, officers need to make sure they get home safely to their families. You can find yourself in the unique position of fighting for your life one minute, and fighting to save the life of your attacker the next. Say that an inmate attacks us and we knock them out cold on the floor. You are required to provide medical care to all the inmates in your charge-including the inmate who just attacked you. You are trained to end the encounter quickly, without causing needless or excessive injury. You are also trained to avoid fighting …show more content…

Some officers will probably not follow this part of training because of them thinking they can take the inmates because they are in charge over them. But you need to think about your safety and what you have outside of your career. An important ability to have is situational awareness, ability to monitor others, read body language and prepare for an attack. All of this is crucial to this profession because you just don’t know what you will run into that day. Textbook self defense scenarios leave the attacker lying on the ground, unconscious, crippled and bleeding. As you can see the defense of the guards is violent and very aggressive. It has to be because it could be between life and death. Either the inmate kills you or puts you in the hospital or you go home safely to your family. To make these defensive tactics violent and actually work, you learn where the soft tissues and joints are because they are favored target areas to hit an attacker. Rake to the eyes, strikes to the groin or throat, blows and trauma to the joints are often taught to officers before they job is given to them. If you are unable to defend yourself and the attacker has the upper hand then techniques taught are selected for their ability to stop the attack, disable the attacker, and allow for safely escaping the encounter. Every officer should not panic when in this situation because it makes it easier for the

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