Corporate Social Responsibility

887 Words2 Pages

Social responsibility is defined as economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time. Corporate social responsibility means that organizations have moral, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities in addition to their responsibilities to make a positive return on their stakeholders’ investments. By expanding these responsibilities beyond the principal companies can endear themselves to their customers, local communities, suppliers, and all arrays of advocacy groups. Taking on these responsibilities can also have cause critical reactions as well. Companies have to maintain awareness so as not to create negative press with their extracurricular actions.
The most effective approach in actively participating in social responsibility is a three pronged approach. Those pillars are that of legal, ethical, and social behavior. Often time’s companies demonstrate involvement by giving back to the community that surround them. It is important for companies maintain a positive image within the community, it is in fact one of the most effective ways to drive commerce. Chick-fil-A is a great example of a socially responsible company. Chick-fil-A’s website pronounces, “Live by your convictions: When you live by your convictions, people respect that. It’s important to be consistent in living your convictions – business, religious or personal beliefs” (Chick-fil-A . 2014). Chick-fil-A is well known for being closed on Sundays, this is to positively impact their employees by allowing them to attend church and spend time with their families. Continuing on with the Christian theme, Chick-fil-A plays Christian music within their restaurants. Fiscally Chick-fil-A is committed to hel...

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...LGBT rights activists called for protests and boycotts of the chain, while counter-protestors rallied in support by eating at the restaurants (Robinson, 2012). McDonalds was another company on the wrong side of an advocacy group when in 2012 they claimed that petting a pitbull was riskier than eating their Chicken McBites when responding to their chicken products causing cancer.
Social responsibility is becoming more prominent as generation Y grows in relevant and begs for more ethically prominent companies. Less socially responsible companies with looser legal and ethical guidelines continually risk viability and profitability. Negative press such as the McDonalds reference creates a corporate black eye that drives customers away. No matter how big or small an advertising or marketing campaign is social awareness has become a vital part of corporate existence.

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