Corporate Social Responsibility

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What would an even more complete CSR engagement look like?
In recent years, many corporations in the US and in Europe has made efforts to include Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of their decision making process. In Europe, the European Commission, a political body has been a leading advocate for CSR and has set the widely accepted definition of CSR (Aßländer, 2011). The European Commission view CSR as companies not just fulfilling the legal compliance and regulations, but advancing human capital, the environment and the relations with all stakeholders. In the green paper written by the commission initiates a debate on how the European Union (EU) can further promote CSR globally (European Commission, 2011). The case study on Host Europe is an excellent example of the European Commission’s vision of corporations taking the steps toward CSR. Looking at Host Europe, the company has invested great deal in CSR as it relate to energy use and the green data initiative. At the end of their initiative for anew green data center, Host Europe had established server energy-efficiency by 75 percent. Even with such as great success, Host Europe saw other measures that could further improve CSR. Host Europe sustainability report identified need for further sustainability in areas of work gender ratio, improving employee awareness, green IT and supply chain responsibility. Even though Host Europe’s gender ratio (less than 20 percent of employees were women) depicts the industry average, it strived to encourage a level playing field for women applicant without using gender as a decision criterion for hiring practices. Another area of improvement related to employees is CSR awareness. Host Europe sees a need to bring ecological awarene...

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