Corporate Brand Relationships

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Introduction “Designing a product is designing a relationship.” (Steve Rogers). Sincere relationships are created by an exchange in communication between individuals in which the end result will be an established form of friendship-relationship. The intend of branding is to assist companies in developing a strong friendship-relationship thereby introducing their products to a customer base with the intention of winning their affection, this affection in turn has the potential to influence customers to become loyal to the brand. Therefore, the job of the organization is to maintain a homogeneous relationship with these customers in a cost effective way. The development of branding was created as a vehicle for companies to create and distinguish their products and services at the same time it is a way to set them apart from those of the competitors. A brand also offers consistency and quality in the eyes of the customer thereby setting the stage for a long and prosperous relationship, for example: McDonald’s, Startbucks, KFC etc offer customers the same quality and consistency on their products regardless of the geographical location, qualities that customers have come to expect when they visit any of these establishments (Mccabe and Boyle, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of building relationships with stakeholders in corporate branding as well as with product branding. In order to better understand how relationships are formed and how corporate and product brands are produced and marketed, there will be a discussion on brand relationship, brands and corporate identity, product branding and organizational branding, brand knowledge and brand behavior will also be analyzed. Brand Relationship and Loyal... ... middle of paper ... ...f a product however, only a few will become part of the experience through brand relationships and community engagements. Corporate brand is the image that a company must maintain in order protect its products. Brands on the other hand are key resources that an organization can tap into in order to create sustainability and competitive lead, this process however, requires delicate and strategic brand nurturing and supervision (Mccabe and Boyle, 2006). The firm’s marketing communication division plays a large part in maintaining customer association with the product, the lack of proper brand communication and control of information could potentially result in brand erosion which in turn has a direct effect on customer loyalty. It is therefore imperative for marketers to streamline and nurture customer loyalty and brand recognition (Mccabe and Boyle, 2006).

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