Conversion Therapy Argumentative Essay

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Have you ever thought about the damage conversion camps and therapy do to our LGBT+ community? LGBT+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and many other sexualities and genders. Many people disagree with this lifestyle, and that is where our topic comes from. Conversion therapy started in the 1960s, when aversion therapy was used. Patients were given nausea-inducing drugs, or shocked while being shown same-sex erotic. Methods similar to this are still being used today. There are many different ways therapist use to try and “fix” that can be quite harmful. One of the many is reparative therapy where different measures are taken in order to repel homosexual thoughts. Conversion camps and therapy shouldn’t be legal because of the harmful methods, the trauma it can cause, and there is no proof that they work.

Methods of conversion therapy can include electrocution, nausea and vomiting, paralysis, hypnosis, and snapping elastic bands on your wrist. This can cause physical damage, along with psychological damage. In one case, Samuel Brinton at age 12 had his hands frozen or burned while being shown same-sex attraction. Along with a month where tiny needles were stuck in his fingers, and he was electrocuted. Shocking a 12 year old, just because his sexuality is a problem with you. And while doing so, causing damage to his …show more content…

They also face depression at 5.9 times the rate of their fellow peers. One patient named Kirk Murphy was treated at age 5. He was punished for ‘feminine’ behavior, and rewarded for ‘masculine’. Murphy was still homosexual in his adult age, but suffered severe psychological damage. He attempted to commit suicide at age 17, sadly succeeding at age 38. There have been many other cases like Kirk Murphy, where patients were so damaged, they’ve taken extreme measures such as

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