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Christianity and its effects on homosexuality
Christianity and homosexuality
Homosexuality in the bible essays
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Recommended: Christianity and its effects on homosexuality
Homosexuality has become one of the most controversial subjects debated within Christianity. There are many views concerning how this issue should be handled, in these differing views both sides support their perspective using valid principles of Christianity. Christian perspectives on homosexuality have presented controversial arguments based on the different values and principles that are used to support their specific side of the argument. Christianity follows specific principles laid out by the words of God, written in the bible, the belief that Jesus is God, faith, love and hope. These principles are believed to be all laid out in the bible. However, the bible does not include instructions on how to interpret these passages. Not only …show more content…
With the evolution of society and who we accept becoming more publicized the voices of those people who are being rejected are now being heard. There are many passages in the Christian bible that emphasize the acceptance of all people, especially those who are rejected in their own society. Romans 15:7 states: “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God” based on this small passage Christians should accept homosexuals in the same way Christ has welcomed you. Even the passage used against accepting homosexuals due to natural law can be interpreted differently to accept homosexuals. Genesis 1-2; The Creation Story explains that all of mankind was created in the image of God and in God’s likeness. If a Christian believes that we are all children of God and we are all made like God, then God is already accepting every individual human being as they are. (Newheiser, David. "Sexuality and Christian Tradition.") The natural law can also be debated in this case. The natural law opposing homosexuality says that a man and a woman were created to be intimate with each other in the hopes to procreate only. Since, a man and man cannot procreate it is an abomination to act in such ways. However, there are several other animals that act in homosexual tendencies, such as apes, dolphins, penguins and lions therefore, it can be argued that it is natural to have these homosexual
The most difficult part of any modern theological debate is choosing the authority. With the variety of Christian denominations, individual thinkers, and outside influences, and it is often difficult to reach a general agreement. In her essay, “Homosexuality: A Case Study in Moral Argument,” Catholic theologian Lisa Cahill examines four major authorities and different ways to determine how they work together to produce a cohesive Christian ethic. Though she fails to give a definitive, quantifiable method of describing the interactions between the authorities, her final judgment, approval of some aspects of homosexuality, indicates that she values modern cultural context and general biblical themes over church tradition and specific biblical texts.
“For The Bible Tells Me So” by Daniel Karslake is a documentary style film that focuses on issues about sexuality. The film focuses on the conflict between homosexuality and Christianity and the analysis of several Bible verses about homosexuality. The film attempts to alter the minds of homophobes by using facts, science and several interviews with Christians who also have gay children. The interviews are done with five American, very Christian families and “how they handle the realization of having a gay child” (Karslake, 2007.) The film looks at both the understanding of the church, that is portrayed within the film, and the suggestion that there can only be one sexuality, heterosexuality, and that all others are sins in the eye of God.
Homosexuality defies the laws of nature, social norms, and has many adverse side effects. Today we live in a society that promotes homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. Many homosexuals that live this lifestyle like to justify their behavior by twisting God’s truth. They make claims like “God is a God of love”, “the bible does not condemn homosexuality”, and “I am not hurting anybody, so it is ok.” God has clearly revealed to us in his Word that homosexuality is an abomination. Leviticus 20: 13 says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (ESV). Sin is serious and God’s Word tells us that there are grave consequences for such sin. Homosexuality is not only a sin that is committed against oneself, but is also contrary to God’s divine design of marriage and family. God created holy matrimony to be between one man and one woman and not between the same sex. Right from the beginning God says in Genesis 2:24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (ESV). God designed marriage for procreation and tells us to “be fruitful and multiply.” A homosexual couple, on the other hand, is unable to reproduce and have a family. That is only one of the many negative side
In today’s society, there is a divide among Christians and homosexuals. Christians are being criticized for stating their beliefs about homosexuality. Society is accepting homosexuality as the new norm and expecting Christians to do the same. In Larry Alex Taunton’s article “The Genuine Conflict Being Ignored in the Duck Dynasty Debate,” Taunton begins the first paragraph stating “An evangelical Christian points out that there is, in fact, a tension between orthodox Christianity and homosexuality.”
Richard Mohr believes that outing closeted homosexuals is morally justified. He argues that sexual orientation is not a private matter and therefore, does not violate a homosexual's right to privacy. He believes that outing will increase the homosexual community by creating positive role models. He argues that remaining in the closet is morally debasing and creates indignity to one's self. Claudia Card on the other hand, argues almost the complete opposite. She takes a utilitarian stance on outing "the big secret." The big secret is referring to one being a homosexual. She believes that outing is justified as long as it does no harm, which she believes is unlikely.
Across the globe, society is becoming supportive and understanding of homosexuality. A change is happening now that will end with more equality amongst our fellow men. Slowly the church is changing it’s long held view on the topic, but on a greater scale is still binding to doctrines of ignorance and distaste fro the different. Change has always been slow in the church’s history, and this controversial topic is no different. Maybe one day the church will accept all men and women as just that: people. The church teaches that God loves one and all, regardless of their transgressions. If God can accept homosexuality, then why can’t the church?
The term “homosexuality” is a taboo for many while it does not exist for others. Impending wars, terror attacks, natural calamities, the world is under a great threat and so is humanity. People tend to forget or rather neglect the plea of the so called ‘minority’ community. Around the globe we can see the increasing awareness among the people but it is also a fact that gender based hate-attacks are also on the rise. To understand homosexuality is also to understand the workings of nature and its historical evidence.
The way people ultimately view homosexuality, whether in religion, politics or modern popular culture, is all determined by traditional or changing points of view. This essay will discuss mainly liberal and conservative Christian interpretations of the Bible, including many verses that support or condemn homosexuality. It will also discuss the political views and laws against same-sex marriage and the social activism in the homosexual community. This is all about view points and it has many conflicting views and arguments. Conservative views are often very traditional and interpret most or all Bible passages regarding, or allegedly involving homosexuality as condemning.
Homosexuality is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. This practice was not acceptable a long time ago. Now, this is a common trend and people are learning to accept and deal with this issue. However, many people have different perspectives on this issue. Ellen Friedrichs and Trayce Hensen are two of many that have opposing viewpoints on homosexuality whether a family does not have to include a mother and father or a family must include a mother and father.
Homosexuality has always been a concept that separates people. The most well known place with a “gay divide” is in religion. According to conservative Christians, being gay is wrong in the eyes of God. However, those who are more progressive Christians claim that nowhere in the Bible does God directly say that it is not okay to be gay. Also, homosexuality is not just an issue between progressives and conservatives; there is a strong rift between generations of Christians as well as far as dealing with homosexuality goes. As time has passed, society has slowly but surely become more accepting of homosexuality, which causes younger generation Christians to look at being gay differently than older Christians would.
The topic of homosexuality has been a very hot topic over the past several decades. The term homosexuality can be defined as the “sexual desire or behavior towards a person or persons of one’s own sex” (“Homosexuality”). There are many people who either agree or disagree with the aspect of homosexuality, and there are others who are indifferent. Many Christian churches around the world, especially in the United States, have stated their opinion against homosexuality. They based their beliefs in the verses in 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10, which says, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor man who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version).
In this essay, I will explain how religion is sometimes used to mobilize against LGBT people, how some people’s religious and personal doctrines conflict regarding LGBT issues, and how religious belief and community can be a positive force for the LGBT community.
To conclude, homosexuality is a natural thing whether society believes it or not. It is found in nature around us. For example, the animal Bonobo, their females participates in GG-rubbing once every two hours or so (Roughgarden 2004). This would be considered homosexual behavior because it is female on female, Bonobo do this and this are not exposed to the same everyday experience as we are which means this behavior in innate to them. There are parts inside us that conclude who we are and if homosexuality is one of those things why can it not be accepted? Though some do chose to be homosexual, when one is presented with scientific fact and testimony from homosexuals, it quickly becomes obvious that there is no real choice in the matter.
As humans, it is natural to shy away from things that are different than the norm; we discriminate. It is very important to rid oneself of discrimination to better clarify the decision at hand. To make a valid conclusion on homosexuality, it is essential for one to forget what they were taught when socialization occurred, mainly birth to adulthood. As an example: You were told as a young child to hate and not associate yourself with African Americans because of the color of their skin, because they are different. When you grow older, you obtain a six-figure job, but y...
We have no right to judge. We should leave that to the Lord, and he will make the right decision. He will decide what the sinner does and doesn't deserve. Christians know what to abide by. They may know that being a homosexual is going against Gods word, but they also know that the Lord says that one should love all no matter what circumstances.