Continuity In Sherlock Jr

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During the beginning of the film “Sherlock Jr”, there are multiple cut shots when he is trying to buy a portrait from the store lady.This scene shows continuity due to the fact that this is an eyeline match shot between Sherlock and the portrait. This scene establishes the setting Sherlock and the other characters occupy. The portrait also indicates that there is a graphic match towards the store lady and the portrait in the next upcoming shots. This also contributes to continuity because they both share the same pose, facial expression indicating the resemblance and establish that there is not a change between time and space.This scene also presents rhythmic relation that connects the shots together. This is to link the shots together in a format that relates to Sherlock’s hopes and coordinates with the music tempo. The shots decrease in time in order to represent the anticipation of the outcome, still contributing to the continuity. …show more content…

This scene is attempting to insinuate to the audience his failure of being a detective. This presents discontinuity due to the fact that the the film is changing space rapidly with no indication of time. This has graphic discontinuity edit because the scene is trying to create dissimilar environments but present the same visual principle. Rhythmic relation in this also contributes to the discontinuity by montage. As each scene is changing within the scene, the musical background has sudden interruption to follow with the intensity. Therefore, as there is no logic connecting the shots, this is to underline and present bewilderment to the audience due to the rapid change in

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