Consumer Centred Care

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Consumer-centred care is an innovative approach which accounts for planning, evaluating and delivery of care to the patients which is based on beneficial mutual partnership between health professionals, consumers and families (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2010). It can be practiced in every health care setting and implies to consumers of all ages. Approaches like consumer-centred care are considered highly valuable for health care in improving safety, quality and cost effective, but they are also effective in providing staff and patient satisfaction (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2010). It has been identified that carers, consumers and family member make a valuable contribution in …show more content…

It has been recognised that consumer and carer participation can increase both health outcomes and quality of care (Trowse, Cook & Clooney 2012). The health professionals, including nurses should support and respect the role of the carer when they are contributing throughout the recovery journey of the consumer. Moreover, when engaging with the carer, the health care provider should consider ethical as well as medico-legal responsibilities in accordance to their respective professional domain (RANZCP 2016). Furthermore, continuity of care is another essential part to which consumer engage in individual episodes of care and support (RANZCP 2016). It is widely regarded as the central to the establishment of mental health services (Joyce et al 2004). There are findings that suggest that continuity of care is associated with better control of symptoms and minimizing lengthy hospitalization as well (Joyce et al 2004).During the course of the illness, the consumer care should be consistent, coherent and connected. It also involves building therapeutic relationship between the consumer and the mental health professional which leads to better understanding of the consumer’s psychiatric disorder (McDermid 2014). This can underpin better management of these psychiatric disorders in order to minimize the risk of …show more content…

When we think about innovating consumer-centred care we need to realise that consumers takes the central role when designing a system (Consumer Health Forum of Australia 2016). In short, we need to generate a market place to offer a high level of care by enabling an environment that supports and encourage innovation. By promising innovation, we can accomplish the objective, which is to build a consumer care system around consumer needs and not having them determined by existing structures (Consumer Health Forum of Australia 2016). Consumer-centred mental health nursing practice is recognised by accessibility to consumer of the mental health services, which means the nurse is there not just for consumer, but also for the consumers but also for their families (Fisher & Happell 2009). This can help in identification of changes in behaviour of consumers which can be directly related to the change in physical and mental state of the person (Fisher & Happell 2009). Moreover, it’s quite evident that amongst all health professionals, patients spends most time with nurses and are expected to establish long term therapeutic relationship (Consumer Health Forum of Australia 2016). It is justified if mental health consumer seeks more therapeutic relationship with them. The cares the nurse provides them

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