Conners Early Childhood Essay

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Review of the Conners Early Childhood by Kiera M. Hill, Graduate Student of Counselor Education, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, United States of America:

DESCRIPTION. The Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC) asses a variety of issues like behavior, social, emotional, and development through a rating scale. The Conners EC is designed for children in early childhood, particularly between the ages of 2 to 6 years of age. The purpose of the assessment is to be able to identify disorders and developmental delays early. The Conner’s EC can be implemented in designing an intervention as well as the screening and monitoring. The assessment can be administered individually as well as in a group. It is administered in a hard copy or online. The assessment can be scored online or by using the scoring software and both generate detailed reports. The Conner’s EC includes a parent report and a teacher/caregiver report forms.
DEVELOPMENT. The Conners EC was created to address various issues applicable to the development of preschool aged children. The …show more content…

The two main categories are behavioral and development milestones. The behavior items on the assessment have a purpose of assessing behavioral, emotional, and social issues among preschool aged children. The purposes of the developmental items were to assess the child’s mastery of numerous skills. Items from Conners EC item pool were produced from clinical experiences, research literature, and from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition-Text Revision (DSM IV-TR). During the initial review phase, items were revised and some were discontinued. The results were two item sets for the pilot study. The items were then randomized and the pilot data collects were constructed. The Conners EC pilot data was used for final item selections and created the preliminary

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