Conformity And Nonconforming

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Nonconformity is just another way of conforming. Nonconformity simply means to act in a different way than normal. It also means to not follow set rules or trends everyone else is following. Hipsters, Goths, skaters, and Trekkie conform in their own way. Clearly, nonconformity is another way of conforming. A hipster, Goth, skater, or Trekkie all see the world in a different way. These groups of people think outside of the box and never really rely on what other people think or do. They think that other people are mainstream and see the world in the same way. Nonconformity means not complying with any rules, but they follow their own rules and walk to the beat of their own drum. Obviously, a hipster, Goth, skater, or Trekkie conforms.

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