Conclusion Of Interpersonal Communication

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At some point in everyones lives they have heard the saying that opposites attract, but is it really true? Researchers found out that an average person is attracted to someone who have different interests. It seems kinda cruel that we allow ourselves to be attracted to people that are so unlike us, but it can lead to strong and healthy relationships. In interpersonal interactions, if you only bond over similarities, your relationship will slowly start to become dull and repetitive. Sharing these differences between the two people is a perfect opportunity to add spice to your relationship with that certain individual. The definition of interpersonal communications is a process of meaning-making between two or a few people through the production …show more content…

Self disclosure is the process of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and that would not normally be know by others (Alder, Rosenfeld, & Proctor, 2013). There’s plenty of topics a human can disclose to someone else to increase intimacy in their relationship. Sharing your hopes, fears, goals, and doubts can change how a person views you. For instance, a couple discusses their future goals that they want to accomplish together. One of the partners may want to have a bunch of kids, while the other opposes to the idea. Instead of the couple arguing about the issue, they both take turns explaining their thoughts and work on solutions to fix the problem. Once you fully comprehend each others sides, you feel as though you are closer to that person and you better understand them. My best friend, Madison, who I’ve known for 8 years now, discloses information back and fourth with me constantly. We’ve discussed numerous topics such as feelings about particular people, our views on each others relationships, and our beliefs. On the other hand, if you are disclosing information to someone you've just met, it can make the other person want to run away. I strongly believe that not disclosing information to a certain individual you are communicating to is the reason why we fail to connect and keep our relationships together. Interpersonal communication becomes successful when humans are understood, not just

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