Concentration Camps And Auschwitz

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Fear and lies have led to immerse cruelty against the Jewish community such the Holocaust, and concentration camps like Auschwitz. Outside of these horrific camps no one had any idea what went on inside these camps because all the activities were covered up by lies. Concentration camps were portrayed as a nice home to the Jews, but little did the outside world know. Fear was a main component that the workers attained because if orders were not followed, there would be consequences to their disobedience. Without the hidden secret of the reality of these camps, they would not have been successful. Additionally if fear was not present, workers would be disobedient and rebel against the higher up. The unity of fear and lies allowed the success of this dreadful genocide of the Jewish community.
The Auschwitz camp was incredibly big and horrific that it was known as a “death factory.” The death rate of this camp ranged from three to four million people. Closely by the camps, one witnessed the horrors, the guard towers, the barracks, the barbwire fences, gas chambers, furnaces, and even...

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