Holocaust Experimentation and Concentration Campa

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Many medical experiments went on during the holocaust, mostly in concentration camps. These subjects included Jews, Gypsies, twins, and political prisoners. The experiments included many of these people never survived many were killed for further examination. The Jewish people got the full wrath of the injections, inhumane surgeries, and other experimentations. Twins were also desirable in these experiments to show a controlled group. Gypsies and political prisoners were experimented with, because they were there for the Germans disposal. Thousands of people died in these horrible experiments. These experiments were performed to show how the Jewish race was inferior to the Aryan race.
Many of the subject’s were twins, mostly identical. Twins when through the worst of the surgeries, including blood transfusions. Doctors drained one twin of his blood and inject it into the other twin to see what would happen. Blood would be drawn from each twin in large quantities about ten cubic centimeters were drawn daily. The twins who were very young suffered the worst of the blood drawing. They would be forced to have blood drawn from their necks a very painful method. Other methods included from their fingers for smaller amounts, and arms sometimes from both simultaneously. The doctors would sometimes see how much they could withdraw until the patient passed out or died.

Another form of deadly experimentation were injections of diseases and chemicals. Doctors would inject deadly diseases, including: Typus, Noma, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Typhoid Fever, and Hepatitis. Tuberculosis was a focus during the experiments, one twin would be injected with the live Tubercle Bacillus virus. The reason for this experiment was to find a cure to help th...

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...handicapped. Only a handful of people survived the horrors the the Germans performed on them leaving them scarred physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many people never revealed that they were subjects to heinous experiments and kept it a secret for their entire life. Some good did come from the experiments results, they revealed some important knowledge of the human anatomy and how some bodily functions are essential for our survival. Information about some diseases helped further the research of cures later in

the decade. The horrible experiments performed during the Holocaust were terrible they did serve a purpose.The freedom that the doctors had to explore the amazing human body resulted in information that still might be unknown to modern science.

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