Many medical experiments went on during the holocaust, mostly in concentration camps. These subjects included Jews, Gypsies, twins, and political prisoners. The experiments included many of these people never survived many were killed for further examination. The Jewish people got the full wrath of the injections, inhumane surgeries, and other experimentations. Twins were also desirable in these experiments to show a controlled group. Gypsies and political prisoners were experimented with, because they were there for the Germans disposal. Thousands of people died in these horrible experiments. These experiments were performed to show how the Jewish race was inferior to the Aryan race.
Many of the subject’s were twins, mostly identical. Twins when through the worst of the surgeries, including blood transfusions. Doctors drained one twin of his blood and inject it into the other twin to see what would happen. Blood would be drawn from each twin in large quantities about ten cubic centimeters were drawn daily. The twins who were very young suffered the worst of the blood drawing. They would be forced to have blood drawn from their necks a very painful method. Other methods included from their fingers for smaller amounts, and arms sometimes from both simultaneously. The doctors would sometimes see how much they could withdraw until the patient passed out or died.
Another form of deadly experimentation were injections of diseases and chemicals. Doctors would inject deadly diseases, including: Typus, Noma, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Typhoid Fever, and Hepatitis. Tuberculosis was a focus during the experiments, one twin would be injected with the live Tubercle Bacillus virus. The reason for this experiment was to find a cure to help th...
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...handicapped. Only a handful of people survived the horrors the the Germans performed on them leaving them scarred physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many people never revealed that they were subjects to heinous experiments and kept it a secret for their entire life. Some good did come from the experiments results, they revealed some important knowledge of the human anatomy and how some bodily functions are essential for our survival. Information about some diseases helped further the research of cures later in
the decade. The horrible experiments performed during the Holocaust were terrible they did serve a purpose.The freedom that the doctors had to explore the amazing human body resulted in information that still might be unknown to modern science.
Works Cited
"Medical Experiments ." 10 June 2013. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . 18 March 2014 .
Between 1939 and 1945, more than seventy medical research projects and medical experiments were conducted at Auschwitz and Dachau. (Auschwitz Medical Experimentation). Over two hundred doctors participated in such research projects and experiments, sentencing between 70,000 and 100,000 people, held against their will, to death through experimentation. These were mostly Jews, but also gypsies, homosexuals and other minorities. They were thought to be inferior to the human race. Such practices became widely accepted and embraced by the Germans, due to the Nazis propaganda. The experiments conducted were diverse, but could be categorized in three classes.
Many extremely cruel and torturous things took place inside Auschwitz. Children, visibly pregnant women, and the elderly were often murdered upon arrival to Auschwitz. The Nazis did this because women and children were unable to endure the harsh labor that the Nazis wanted to put the Jews through, so they would inevitably be killed anyways. This is very cruel, not just because the women, children, and elderly were brutally murdered, but because this tore apart families within the camp; people had to live with the fact that their loved ones had been killed by Nazis. If children survived the initial separation, medical experiments were often performed on them by Dr. Josef Mengele, who was the main doctor in the camp, such as being put in pressure chambers, castrated or sterilized, and being frozen to death. This shows that the Nazis clearly didn’t care about how they treated their hostages. This proves one of the ways that the Nazi officers were inhumane and that the camp was a place filled with torture and death.
society so these experiments are not seen as heinous or inhumane. This Information is all revealed in the introduction. The author tells this from a moral standpoint. The social construct determines if a particular event is seen as good or bad. Experiment back then on people were seen as okay but if they were performed on they would be extremely tabooed. The government even participated in human experiments to show how okay it was back then. In Conclusion, I am convinced that these bias among the scientific community is what caused black people to still be afraid of the doctors to this day.
Epstein shows the process that the majority of Jews were being put through, such as the medical examinations, medical experimentations, gas chambers and crematoriums. Medical examinations were used to determine if the Jews were healthy enough to work. Dr. Mengele used the Jews as “lab rats” and performed many experiments such as a myriad of drug testing and different surgeries. The gas chamber was a room where Jews were poisoned to death with a preparation of prussic acid, called Cyclo...
In 1943 or as you may know it as The Holocaust, there were many different ways they executed the people at the Auschwitz camp, including hanging, shooting their heads or even letting them starve to death. But I'm not going to talk about them. This may tickle your fancy or wreck with your emotions after seeing the movie. I'm going to be talking about the Gas Chamber. The Gas Chamber is probably the worst place to be EVER, because you're going to be standing in a grey metal room ,butt naked surrounded by hundreds, even thousands of other people. Everyone is crammed inside the room as Cyclone B (a highly used deadly mixture) was sprayed into the room, causing you to either burn to death, or have to sit around dying slowly over an amount of days
Auschwitz Concentration Camp “Get off the train!”. Hounds barking loud and the sound of scared people, thousands of people. The “Now!”. I am a shaman. All sorts of officers yelling from every angle.
While being in Concentration Camps, Jews had no control over anything. Some Jewish inmates were selected to do various experiments. They did not volunteer for these experiments. They were chosen. They had to participate in the experiment or they would be killed. In addition, if they were picked, most experiments resulted in death or a permanent disability and not many survived. The Jews also had no idea what they were in for as the experiments were for the Nazi doctors who wanted to learn how they could help better their army and learn about illness and injury treatment through these often gross and volger experiments. The Nazi’s condiucted over 30 different experiments. There were only 7,000 Jewish victims documented that were killed, but there were many more people that died from these experiments. One of the worst and most known experiments were the twin experiments. Of the 1,000 pairs of twins that were experimented on in these concentration camps, only about 200 survived. Forty years later, only a few twins that were experimented on could be found in the United States.
“Concentration camps (Konzentrationslager; abbreviated as KL or KZ) were an integral feature of the regime in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. The term concentration camp refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy” (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum).
A 40 acre piece of land is attributed for over 2 million deaths, this is more than the total number of British and American soldiers combined that died in World War II. This small acreage was called Auschwitz and to the prisoners who stayed and died there it caused both mental and physical inhumanity to them. Mental inhumanity is an act against someone or a group of people, which is considered immorally wrong, on which affects their thoughts or feelings. Physical inhumanity is an act against a person or people which is considered immorally wrong, on which affects their body and health. Both of these acts of inhumanity were committed not only at Auschwitz but at every death camp established during the Holocaust. Edward Bond a playwright that lived through WW2 says that, “Humanity's become a product and when humanity is a product, you get Auschwitz” (BrainyQuote 1). This means that when humanity becomes a privilege to some and not a natural right to all then things like Auschwitz and in turn the Holocaust happen. The Holocaust death camps were considered both mentally and physically inhumane; the total effect of them shows the true level of inhumanity they installed.
form of hard labor, for weeks or months. Auschwitz was the end of the line
Many unbelievable things happened to the Jews during the Holocaust. Jews were treated terribly in the concentration camps. They were forced to work/ do manual labor, they died slow and painful deaths. Many of them were treated like animals.
Doctors of the Concentration Camps also experimented on birth effects. They meant to radiate and sterilize young men and study the changes in the reproduction organs. Women had substances unwillingly implanted their cervix or uterus which caused pain, bleeding, and spasms. Women were forced into artificial insemination. The subjects were told that they have monsters in their wombs and were cross bred from animals. This was probably the worse of the experiments.
The holocaust was a horrific period of time where unbelievable criminal acts were carried out against the Jews, Gypsies, and other racial gatherings. These defenseless individuals were sent from unsanitary ghettos to death camps, one being Auschwitz. The Auschwitz death camp comprised of three camps, all in which are placed in Poland. Numerous forms of extermination came about overtime to speed up the killing process. Life at the death camps was cut short for those who weren’t fit to work; such as the elderly, women, the mentally disabled, and young children. The others were put work while being starved to death. Experiments were held on dwarfs, twins, and other misfits were carried out by Josef Mengele. These inhuman acts against the Jews were all held in secret from society by the Nazis until liberation day.
The Holocaust, the most famous of the three that I am comparing, was a tragedy and the number of deaths is just horrid to think about. When you think about medical experiments during this heinous time period, a name stands out. Josef Mengele. The name even sends shivers through me. If you do not know who he is, you are lucky. He, by himself, performed the most horrendous "experiments" on the helpless people that were his victims. These gruesome experiments fall into three categories: Military Research, Pharmaceutical Research, and Racially Motivated Research. Military research were what the Nazi doctors considered a “military necessity”. These inhumane acts included of freezing experiments where the defenseless prisoners were submerged into tanks of ice water for hours everyday and watched as they shivered to death, in order to discover how long German pilots that were shot down could survive the frigid waters of the North Sea. Another experiment was the high altitude experiments, where the victims were placed into a decompression chamber to simulate conditions of high altitudes, then...