Compression Socks Essay

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Do you have problems with circulation in your legs or have been told by a doctor to wear compression stocks to increase blood flow? Athletes and anyone who is active during the day could experience pain in the legs or swelling. A simple way to reduce any pain and swelling of the legs is to use compression socks that put pressure on the legs.

Anyone can buy compression socks as no prescription is necessary. However, you should check with a doctor first to see about any potential problems. The next step is to decide which type you may want to use. You have the option of knee high socks or thigh high socks. The most common type that is used is a knee high sock. Another important detail to know is compression socks pressure options.

The most important thing to know about compression socks pressure is what the numbers represent for …show more content…

Some may be based on shoe size and other will require a precise measurement. The legs should be measured when swelling is at a minimum, like immediately after waking up in the morning. Another measurement can be taken at the end of the day. If you see a difference of more than ½ an inch, then you will likely require socks that are 20-30 mmHg. Socks with 15-20 mmHg should be used if there is minimal swelling.
Understanding the Benefits
The reasons for getting the right compression socks pressure range will vary depending on the needs of each person. You meed to have a good understanding of the symptoms that benefit the most when there is compression applied to the legs. This includes swelling and vein problems related to pregnancy, poor circulation due to long periods of standing and sitting, or problems with varicose veins.
People who are on their feet for most of the day will also benefit from wearing compression socks. This is the reason for leg pain and even swelling after a long day.
How Much Compression Do You Actually

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