Comprehensive School Counseling Essay

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In my opinion, leadership is absolutely necessary to meet the needs of all students. The development of a comprehensive school counseling program is the best method to meet the needs of all students. Leadership is a necessary component of each section of a comprehensive school counseling program. While reading the book ASCA National Model the definition of leadership really resonated with me. The definition provided in the book states that a leader is not commanding, but teaching. It is opening people's eyes and minds and giving them new ways to see the world. This definition is something that I will carry with me for a long time. A school counselor can provide this type of leadership for students, teachers, administrators, and families every day. What counselors do when advocating for children exemplifies what being a leader means according to this definition. We are to serve as advocates for every student in regards to their academic, career, and personal needs. This requires strength and leadership. I have learned that it is …show more content…

A leader focuses on growth in others and provides service that enables growth and new understanding. I believe that is what school counselors are doing in schools around the world. A verse that I often refer to regarding being both a servant and a leader is “For even the son of onMan did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark. 10:45, New International Version).” This means that Jesus is a leader, but he came to this world as a servant. You can both lead and serve and I believe that is what it means to be a leader as a school counselor. We are not leading to “be in charge” or gain recognition we are leading to make a difference, empower others, and be a supporter and advocate of all students. I look forward to having these opportunities throughout my internship and career as a professional school

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