Competitive Sports And Child Athletes

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In the past five years, there has been an increase in debates of competitive sports. However, many think that it is beneficial beside the risk. Competitive sports are a very bad thing because it makes the child athletes not want to play, and child athletes think they’re the best, and they can end up losing friends and relationships. When working with competitive sports, it causes lots of stress on the players. When children are doing sports, the kids run out of time to do homework or study. NBC states, that when competitive sports are in play, it makes the kids not as enthusiastic to play sports. Because when coaches pressure the kids it causes too much work and not fun and causes them to drop out.Coaches are always more strict, and take the fun out of sports. And according to NBC and personal experience, …show more content…

When the people play to win, it can get to kids heads, when competitive sports are in play, coaches play to win, which then unfolds to having to play the best players, giving others barely any play time. (NBC News) When kids have less play time they usually don’t focus and end up doing bad things with their life and drop out of sports because they never get to play.Also, according to NBC News, parents want their kids to be the best on the team, and yell at their children for not doing good. This pressure on the children and makes them want to “drop out.” When kids don’t have a choice to play or not they end up always being mad or unhappy. This is why you should always let your kids choose what they want to do and support that. Finally, it makes the kids not team players. When the coaches put them in, kids be ball hogs or too flashy. This makes other kids quit, because “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” (NBC News) Kids learn a lot of life lessons from sports. When kids drop out, they have a very good reason. Sports are a huge impact on kids life, making it not fun doesn’t help

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