Comparison of Classical and Operant and Conditioning

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Learning can happen in numerous ways, but all fall under the category of being either classical conditioning or operant conditioning when we are dealing with Psychology terms. These two habituation methods are very comparable in nature, but do possess very specific distinctions in their differences. The major difference between classical and operant conditioning is the type of behaviors being conditioned. Classical is focused more on reflex and automatic actions whereas operant deals more with voluntary actions. Classical and operant conditioning are also different in the way they are taught. Classical conditioning involves introducing the subject to a neutral signal before reaction. Classical conditioning has four basic principles associated with it: Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, and Conditioned Response. In operant conditioning, the reaction of the subject is responded with either a reinforcement, where the behavior is increased or a punishment, where the behavior is decreased. “Classical conditioning is a basic form of associative learning in the animal kingdom (Malaka, 1999).” We see it all the time in every day life. A prime example of classical conditioning in an average child’s life is evident in something as simple as their breakfast routine. Say a child’s mother decides she wants to start making breakfast for her child before school everyday. The smell coming from the food in the morning will be the unconditioned stimulus triggering the child’s response. When she first starts out cooking on the first few days, the child is going to smell the food being prepared in the kitchen and start to think about eating what is being made. This is an example of an unconditioned response. The s... ... middle of paper ... ...proof that conditioning works all around us. Conditioning has paved the way for good and bad decision making for all of us, whether we care to admit it or not. Ever compete with someone at work or school to win an award or a promotion? That would be positive reinforcement. Upon closer analysis, it is very evident that a good portion of events in your life are somehow related to the ancient ways of conditioning, all you have to do is look. Works Cited Malaka, R. (1999). Models of classical conditioning. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61(1), 33-83. Retrieved from Pritchett, K., & Mulder, G. (2004). Operant conditioning. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 43(4), 35-36. Retrieved from

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