Comparison Between Luhumann's Adaptation Of Romeo And Juliet '

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Luhumann’s adaption of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ used a variety of film techniques in order to bring out the personality of each character in evolved in the fight scene, overall creating a more tragic scene. The use of close up throughout the scene allowed the audience to get a better understanding of the character’s emotions. The use of close up filming became especially important in the showdown between Mercutio and Tybalt this is because the audience was able to feel the anger which Tybalt was experiencing due to the connection which is created. The Zeffirelli version was a slower paced scene which used several long shots. This was not effective at displaying the tragedy during the fight scene, as the use of film techniques did not allow the audience to truly understand the characters. Using in manner to bring out the personality of characters is essential in order for the audience to create a connection, having this emphasise the tragedy in the film, therefore, Luhumann’s adaption of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was more successful in creating the tragedy.
Plot …show more content…

After Tybalt is killed by Romeo, The Capulets are shows being devastated over the sight of Tybalt death. Tragedy of events is amplified when outside people are affected, bringing in Tybalt’s parents created a greater sense of tragedy during this scene. Zeffirelli version lacked this sense of tragedy as the effect of Tybalt’s deaths was not shown to the full extent. The tragedy of the fight is heightened by the interaction and role which the Capulet family play, this addition to plot made the Luhumann version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ more

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