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Confidentiality in nursing practice
Confidentiality in nursing practice
Confidentiality in nursing practice
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Critical Question Set 1
1. Compare and contrast three leadership theories from chapter 1 (READ TEXT CAREFULLY). Which of the three would you choose to follow and why? I compared and contrasted Trait, Behavioral, and Situational Theories. Based on Trait Theories, a leader counts on having naturally given skills and charisma to lead. In contrary, Behavioral Leadership acquires its leadership skills through proper training. In the other hand, Situational Leadership focuses on “understanding of the situation and an appropriate response” (as cited in McCleskey, 2014, p. 118). The similarity in these three theories is that Trait, Behavioral, and Situational Leaders motivate their followers to achieve shared goals. I would follow a Situational Leader
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A nurse provides a pain medication to alleviate patient’s pain. Confidentiality- a nurse refuses to give patient’s health history to her colleague, even if a colleague claims that a patient his/her close family member. Fidelity- a patient asks the health care provider to put a DNR on her record and begs a nurse not to mention her wish to her family members, otherwise they will be disagreeing with a patient’s last wish. A nurse has an obligation to keep given information in confidence as a respect to patient’s wish. Justice- a nurse provides the same health care for HIV positive and negative patient. Values- a nurse stays longer at work and provides patient care, even if her shift is over. The nurse reflects a value of altruism. Veracity- a nurse is about to announce to the patient that she has a benign brain tumor. The patient’s daughter is afraid that her mother will not be able to handle the news and suggest the nurse to tell her that she has a migraine instead. A nurse proceeds with her decision and inform the patient about her diagnosis and treatment methods. Nonmaleficence- a nurse under alcohol or drug influence deliberately continues to provide patient care. Ethical dilemma- a patient with a diagnosis of stage four liver cancer who is receiving palliative care in hospice does not have a living will in his health record. A nurse tries to convince patient’s children to put a DNR order to the patient’s health record and explains the reason why such an order is suggested. In the contrary, patient’s children insist to perform CPR on the patient and threaten to sue medical
The first provision of the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) “Code of Ethics” states, “ The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.” The second provision states, “The nurse’s primary commitment is the patient, whether the patient is an individual, family, group, or community” (Fowler, 2010). As nurses we need to respect the autonomy and allow for the patient to express their choices and concerns. We also need to provide them with support by giving them knowledge and understanding so they
In the medical profession, doctors and nurses run into ethical dilemmas every day whether it be a mother who wants to abort her baby or a patient who has decided they want to stop cancer treatment. It is important for the nurse to know where they stand with their own moral code, but to make sure they are not being biased when educating the patient. Nurses are patient advocates, it is in the job description, so although the nurse may not agree with the patient on their decisions, the nurse to needs to advocate for the patient regardless.
Nurses everywhere face problems and challenges in practice. Most of the challenges occur due to a struggle with the use of ethical principles in patient care. Ethical principles are “basic and obvious moral truths that guide deliberation and action,” (Burkhardt, Nathaniel, 2014). Ethical principles that are used in nursing practice include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, veracity, confidentiality, justice, and fidelity. These challenges not only affect them, but the quality of care they provide as well. According to the article, some of the most frequently occurring and most stressful ethical issues were protecting patient rights, autonomy and informed consent to treatment, staffing problems, advanced care planning, and surrogate decision making (Ulrich et. al, 2013). The ethical issue of inadequate staffing conflicts with the principle of non-maleficence.
Nurses face many legal and ethical issues on a daily basis and they must practice according to the standards of care in order to make the best decision for the patient and themselves. According to Furlong (2007), in making ethical decisions, three resources that are valuable for nurses are (1) the ANA Code of Ethics, (2) an understanding of ethical principles, and (3) the ethics of caring. Utilizing the information set by nursing organizations allow nurses to function as advocates for patient’s and avoid any legal issues. It is important for nurses to understand how ethics, nursing, and law intertwine. The law and legal authority to practice nursing in a state is implemented by the Nurse Practice Act, this is a core aspect every nurse should be familiar with (Furlong, 2007).
Leadership is a complex process with many different approaches. This is a summary of the leadership literature including the pros and cons of each approach. The trait approach implies successful leaders are born with those traits. This theory focuses on identifying certain traits that make people great leaders. Some of the major leadership traits identified in the trait approach are intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and social ability. There are many advantages to the trait approach. “First, it is intuitively appealing because it fits clearly into the popular idea that leaders are special people who are out front, leading ...
Healthcare provider’s perception and judgment in the patient’s well being as well as taking into account the right of the patient in every action is one of the key elements in nursing practice. International Council of Nurses (ICN), (2006) states “The nurse at all times maintains standards of personal conduct which reflect well on the profession and enhance public confidence” (p. 3). Furthermore, nursing action guided by theory and principles of moral and legal rights complements excellent nursing care. Nurse’s awareness in moral and legal codes helps them control the complicated scenario encountered and direct the nurses in the best possible action answerable by law (Lachman, 2006).
Barnett, Wilson J.(1986). Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing. Journal of Medical Ethics. Retrieved on 12th July 2010 from
The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses has five elements that pertain to the Principle of Autonomy. Each individual element applies to “respect individual persons” (Baillie, McGeehan, Garrett T, M., Garrett R. M., 2013, p.33). In Chapter 2 of the Health Care ethics: Principles and problems text, it discusses thouroghly the consent of an individual to make their own decisions regarding their health and future requests of care. As a nurse or within all heath care professions, we must treat each individual patient with care, respect, and to remain mindful to the patient regarding any aspect of their lives. In the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, it explains ways of maintaining the empathy required in the health field. It further discusses that the respect for human dignity must be a priority, relationships to patients must remain neutral, the severity of the situation, the right to self-rule, and the professionalism that must be upheld by the nurse and their associates.
In every nurse's career, he or she will face with legal and ethical dilemmas. One of the professional competencies for nursing states that nurses should "integrate knowledge of ethical and legal aspects of health care and professional values into nursing practice". It is important to know what types of dilemmas nurses may face
In conclusion, there are numerous legal and ethical issues apparent in the nursing practice. Nurses should study and be as informed as they can with ethics and legality within their field in order to ensure no mistakes occur. Ethical issues vary based on patient’s views, religion, and environment. Nurses are influenced by these same views, but most of the time they are not the same as the patients. As a nurse we must learn to put the care of our patients and their beliefs, rights, and wishes before our own personal
The four fundamental nursing responsibilities of promoting health, preventing illness, optimizing health and alleviating the ill are represented in the code of ethics. (Arnold & Boggs, 2016) One can say that the code of ethics are rules that a nurse needs to follow in order to effectively communicate and protect the patients. The American Nurse Association provided the code of ethics to guide nurses to ensure that patient’s care, safety, rights and health are well cared for and well managed. Models like Utilitarian, deontological, and the human rights-based all contribute in answering dilemmas that can arise with a patient. Thus, explaining what some of the code of ethics are, and how the code of ethics influence our responsibilities as a nurse will impact the overall care of the
Integrity, respect for persons, justice, non-maleficence, and responsibility are all identified within the code, however compassion is not directly stated but is implied. To show compassion for others during suffering is an almost automatic response in nursing. When nurses decide to act either beneficently or non-maleficently they are doing a service to those being cared for. When dealing with human lives moral value becomes especially important, and is not situationally dependent. Ethical neutrality does not have a place in professional ethics, and an obligation to respect the moral values is necessary. The code deals with specific issues related to the nursing profession, and ensures standards are upheld. Creation of code of ethics within a profession limits misconduct, create safeguards, promote trust for the profession within society, and preserves the integrity of the profession (Soskolne, 1984) It is important for me to emphasize the difference between the nurse’s code of ethics and the Hippocratic Oath. The nurses ethical code is tailored toward the care provided to the patient, and not the involved science and diagnostic aspect of the
We can divide the theories that deal with leadership in 3 chronological groups. First were the trait theories. Until the 1940's, research in the field of leadership was dominated by these theories. Second came the behavioral theories which were very influent until the late 1960's. Finally, contingency theories are the most modern theories about leadership.
Pace-setting leaders expect brilliance and self-bearing, and can be summed up as 'Do as I do, now '. The Pace-setter all that much shows others how it’s done, however this sort of authority just works with a profoundly able and all around spurred group. It must be managed for some time without colleagues hailing. Like the Coercive pioneer, Pace-setters additionally show drive to succeed and activity, yet rather than restraint, these are combined with scruples.
Leadership style is the manner in which a leader provides directions, implement plans, and motivate people or a team to achieve a goal (Newlink, 1997). After reading the course work study and taking a leadership style quiz on the web. (About.com, 2014). It is my conclusion that my leadership style is participative. In Participative leadership style, members of the group are allowed to identify goals and develop strategies to reach the goal. As a participative leader, I do not shove my ideals into my member’s throats or impose my decision on everyone. Though the final decision rested with me, each member of the group is still giving an opportunity to express their view and knowledge of the task at hand. Each member’s suggestion is taken into account and the final decision is made based on the suggestions. Therefore, I serve as a facilitator, not a dictator.