Comparing The Video, An Escape From Poverty, Money, And Love

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Poverty is a universal and deleterious enigma that needs to be unraveled. The majorities of the people in the world are, or have been, defined as ‘in poverty’. And due to Social Stratification, many ‘non-poor’ people view themselves as better, even though that is not inherently true. One can gain a better grasp on the topic of poverty when comparing and contrasting the videos, An Escape from Poverty and Poverty, Money – and Love. First, An Escape from Poverty is a video that dives into not just the lexical definition of poverty, but what it truly means. Poverty is not just lacking monetary items and possessions, or a statistic. Poverty is how one chooses to observe the world. One can look around and see the less fortunate and declare themselves better, or they can see their equals who desperately need some assistance to find their footing. The Oxford Dictionaries defines poverty as “The state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount.” However, this definition is almost the exact opposite of how Jacqueline Novogratz has come to define ‘poverty’. She journeyed to Africa and came to the conclusion that hope, joy, and love abound and flourish in the deepest of poverty. The ‘poor’ people, who live in the slums, have more in terms of happiness and satisfaction than an average American, whose focus is majorly on …show more content…

At first, she was enthusiastic and ready for a challenge; however, she quickly came to the conclusion that she was not going to be able to actually change the poverty around her. She began to alienate the impoverished people and adhere to the ideology that donating money is enough. Until she came across a new out-look on poverty; a perspective that declared that the “poor” weren’t just a sob story or a statistic, but that they too had dreams and aspirations. And she became determined to help them along the

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