Diana George Changing The Face Of Poverty Rhetorical Analysis

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Poverty is huge deal a huge topic in today’s society and not many people take consideration on this important topic. In the short essay by Diana George “Changing the Face of Poverty; Nonprofits and the Problem of Representation” she uses several key rhetorical methods to argue how poverty is being represented and how it limits on what poverty actually is. George begins building her point by using illustrations in the essay to explain how poverty is not being represented properly by nonprofit organizations. Then asks for other people’s opinions on this topic to help get her point through. She also uses the title of her essay to get her overall idea through. All of these points are very important and should be taken in consideration when talking about poverty. As illustrated in the short essay “Changing the face of Poverty” Diana George shows an illustration of a little girl named “Mandy” that doesn’t look very happy and doesn’t look …show more content…

The idea of this essay is to explain how poverty is being represented the wrong way by nonprofit organizations here at home. The author uses the title to explain to the readers that poverty is not being represented the correct way. The way organizations represent poverty is by using images from a third world country instead of using pictures of people that live here at home that are living at poverty. The author explains how there are children here in America that need help just to get their basic needs, she explains “There are so many children like her – children that are deprived of their basic necessities right here in America” (George 668). The author is referring to “Mandy”. The picture of the girl on the Children Inc. flyer. She looks normal but she is need of help. The title gives an understanding to the reader about what is about to be

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