Comparing The Gift Of The Magi And A Work Of Art

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The two stories I will be comparing/contrasting in this paper are The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, and A Work of Art by Anton Chekhov. These are both stories about gifts and gift giving. In this paper, I will show mainly how the methods of gift-giving differ between the two stories. The two gifts were given for different reasons. In The Gift of the Magi, Della gave her husband a gift out of love, whereas in A Work of Art, all the people who became owners of the candelabra gave it away out of a need or want to get rid of it. This quote from The Gift of The Magi: “Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling--something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.” shows how she loves Jim and wants to give him something nice. However, this quote from A Work of Art: “…and dashing out of the flat went home, glad that he had succeeded in getting the present off his hands.” shows how this gift seemed like a burden to be handed off. …show more content…

As in all gift-giving, Della did not make it obvious that she was getting a gift for Jim. She secretly saved whatever money she could, wherever she could, to buy the gift. But there is a different kind of secrecy in A Work of Art. The people who gave the gifts were trying to keep how they really felt about the candelabra a secret so that the person they were trying to give it to would feel obligated to take it. An example of that fact is this quote: “It would be awkward for him as a friend to take money from me, and it will be very suitable for me to present him with this. I will take him the devilish

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