Comparing The Enuma Elish And The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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It is useful to set Genesis 1-3 next to the Enuma Elish and the Gilgamesh because they all share overlapping themes. First, each of the three are centered on one main deity who reign supreme. Second, in Genesis 1:2 and the Enuma Elsih, both God and Marduk were in an epic battle that involved a sea-god and the primeval sea. Third, in the myth of Gilgamesh, there was mentioning of a massive Flood that destroyed all expect for a man named Utnapishtim and his family who survived on a boat (Coogan, 16). Also in Gilgamesh, the protagonist, desire for immortality in response to his friend’s death, however, the plant that was supposed to grant his wish was stolen by a snake while he was taking a swim (Coogan, 16). These stories relate not only to

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